Lately, there has been an increase in demand for information regarding the web bot project, designed in the late 1990's - originally to predict the stock market trends.
For those of you who do not know, the web bot prediction technology uses a system of spiders to crawl the Internet and search for keywords, much like a search engine does. When a keyword is located, the web bot program takes a snapshot of the text preceding and following the keyword. This snapshot of text is sent to a central location where it is then filtered to define meaning and discern a prediction.
The web bot projects concept is aimed at tapping into the "collective unconscious" of the universe and it's inhabitants. As well, there is an interesting time concept involved and an unusual concept of a "tipping point" regarding the past, current, and future times.
And in 2001, the web bot operators began to notice coincidence with occurrences and paid close attention. The first accurate web bot prediction came in June of 2001 claiming a catastrophic event would take place within the next 60-90 days. Regrettably it did - and the Twin Towers fell of September 11, 2001.
Since then there has been a slew of web bot predictions, some of which follow:
If you'd like to subscribe to web bot predictions for upcoming events or purchase previous bot predictions, you can do so here at Cliff's site. Cliff is the brilliant mind behind the project and also its inventor. "The Shape of Things to Come (2010)" is available now for $10. It covers a period of bot predictions from July 20, 2009 to July 11, 2010.
The fellas operating the web bot prediction program have a wonderful sense of humor with regards to what it is that they do. The are incredibly open minded, which I love, and have also made the wise choice to keep the government from obtaining the technology. We don't want this now do we? For the most part, they refuse media interviews as well and prefer to keep the project to a low roar.
I find myself fascinated by these concepts and the program itself. In light of all the "buzz" on the Internet regarding it lately, I wanted to pass along some related links for further investigation.
And it seems we should touch on the web bot's prediction that 2012 would be the end of the world. This prediction is in line with previous predictions made by ancient "seers" and civilizations. In my opinion, this is more of a symbolic ending - not literal.
Meaning that we will move from a technological age into a spiritual age. Peoplenomics provided the graph above to give weight to that theory. I believe that society's focus will direct itself towards spiritual matters and matters concerning humankind more so than technological advancement. It is also my opinion that great strides will be made in these areas.
That is evident already, looking at the last 30 years or so. It seems that new age concepts, quantum physics, and metaphysical matters are revealing themselves to us more and more. Society is opening it's mind to these concepts, whereas in the past, it was frowned upon.
So for those of you concerned, fear not. It is more likely that the end of the world will not involve polar shifts (although it could) - but that it will be the end of the world "as we know it."
Open your mind and release all of the instilled beliefs society has placed upon you regarding these matters - remove the stigma associated to them. We certainly do not possess all the answers of the universe, there are sciences we have yet to understand, and our ignorance and arrogance as a race shows when we are quick to dismiss such matters.
As stated by those before me. . . . .We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Excellent post that's generating a lot of "buzz" on the net. It'll be interesting to see what comes of this in the future. Thanks for all of the links, too!
you have some really great articles on your blog.. i really didnt have any knowledge about the "web-bot" until last night when i watched the 2012 documentary.. so i finally read your blog and this stuff is really interesting.. i may have to write my own blog about it..
keep up the good work!!
I totally agree with your thoughts and I am happy that there are other people like me. Good Luck on your journey!
I sure hate to say it but we are currently in a war with a group of extreamly religious people who want to change the world as we know it.
I dont think the Web Bot process is plausible but i think that most of the philosophers have made some accurate predictions which promotes the thought of some higher power guiding the thoughts of certain individuals.
2012 is an interesting subject. Web-bots are mentioned in many 2012 documentaries. Check out videos about 2012 at
look to april 2008
The prediction for 2012 sounds more like portions of the book The Celestine Prophecy...rather than something orignal from the Web Bot. Just my opinion.
What would really be interesting is for me to ask it my own questions instead of all those that show up on seemingly main stream programs. Any ideas on how I can do that?
MARYLYNNFORMATION, funny you mention the Celestine Prophecy. I read it many years ago. A fantastic read.
Cannot speak for the web bot operators, however, it might just be that the general "tone" is that we are headed for a major change to life as we know it. Me, personally. I think it's a spiritual awakening of sorts. Human's realizing their full potential - as humans - and as spiritual beings.
Seeing many more paranormal series, psychic series and matters such as those on TV nowadays. It's happening already. We are going to begin understanding new sciences and making discoveries that may truly "rock" our foundations and beliefs as human beings.
Think it could just be that?
uhhh well there was a Y2K scare in 2000... so hows that a fluke?
I find all such "predictions" to be just so much hokum.
Whether they come from ancient oracles biblical prophets, others like Nostradamus or some kind of computer generated blather, they are almost always vague to the extent that most such predictions can be applied to any number of subsequent events. Sheer numbers would suggest that some of these predictions could appear to have been proven accurate. If, say a dozen of Nostradamus' "predicitons" are believed to have come to fruition, how about all that have not? Even some of the current "seers" who make the talk show circuits have a few successes that they never hesitate to point to while ignoring the overhwelming majority of their predictions that came to nothing.
In short, it's all bullshit.
well attack on white house and doomsday bombing with terrorist attacks will come true
Right On!
All I know is that the only one that predicted Israel becoming a nation again was the Bible.
i dont know what to think but it is scary i think the goverment is hiding somthing and they need to tell us fuck they are some dumb assess in my eyes fuckin basterds
i just wonder why most if not all of the prediction is directed only to the U.S. and not to the other 70% of world pop.maybe if it is a program designed by the french,most if not all of the prediction will be on france.but since subscription office is in the U.S....well u know what i least say something about some 3rd world nation in africa or somewhere else even if u wont have any marketable subscription there to make it believable.
i think that more than paying attention to predictions (most of them can be adapted to our present reality), but we should be more realistics. most of the tragedies, the global warming, war, terrorims, nuclear advancements, emviromental crisis ... have been created by us... not by merling or nostredamus, and all those predictioners. Instead of thinking about this like something that has been already done and we're going to die in 2012, We should take measures to reduce the pollution which is the primary cause of the wlobal warming, goverments such as the US most stop the war, and killing inocent people around the world looking for their own interests,creating hate and disconfort around the world.. we should care more about humanity, thinking about the others, our emvironment instead of ourselves. THE WORLD WILL END ONLY IF WE WANT TO... could be in 2012... 2050.. something really bad is happening to US at this world and will end JUST BECUASE OF OUR IMPRUDENCE.. WE'RE ON TIME...
I feel that we have lost what we define as being human, we no longer care about others around us, we are out to look after ourselves at any cost,we destroy the planet at an alarming rate, we wage wars for financial gain which means nothing when we die, cannot take it with you, we are spreading like wildfire which makes me believe the old saying that humanity is a virus and planet earth is working on the cure ! Lets face it we suck and all our good intentions and morals are out the window.
I take it the Web Bot is more than a little American centric and failed to spot less significant events like the mass genocide in Rwanda (the capital Asia) or the Tsunami that hit Thailand but can predict that a sniper has military training (duh!). Did they spot Paris Hilton going jail?
The Web Bot is nothing more (simply stated of course) than a series of Web Spiders searching the Internet for public documents (html, PDF, etc). It scrubs millions and millions of documents identifying keywords and phrases; it then stores them and the information is run against a complicated algorithm that identifies (very vaguely)our subconscious thoughts. Not really our subconscious; but the issues of the day, those that we are consciously thinking about and publishing on the web via blogs, news reports, social networks, scientific journals, etc, etc, etc.
There has not been one prediction that wasn't in one way shape or form a topic of discussion in the days, weeks or months ahead of a prediction. The December 21,2012 end of the world prediction comes shortly after the publicity began of the Mayan calendar ending on the date 12/21/2012 (it ends on that date because the alignment of the stars/planets will be, for the first time since their beginning of time, aligned in the same manner or one complete cycle). So of course, everyone started jabbering about it on the web.
Let's not make computers any smarter nor more dangerous than they already are. They are a wonderful tool; let's keep it that way.
And this global warming crap is ridiculous. Let's not be so arrogant to think that we as mankind have enough power to control or destroy what mother nature can do in the blink of an eye.
I live in Ohio; and right beneath my feet there used to be an ocean. We dig quite often for fossils and are quite successful.
There weren't any factories or automobiles back then! Climate changes; its a natural occurance just as polar magnetic shifts are a natural occurance. It sucks but it happens.
Quit listening to these talking heads (especially Al Gore who is a complete idiot) in the media that want nothing more than to make a buck off scaring the crap out of you folks who are to ignorant to open up a book and research the stuff yourself. They feed off of your ignorance and it won't stop until you open your eyes and look into it yourself rather than watching American Idol.
Ignorance is the danger to this world not mankind.
I completely agree with rinker. Although I do not entirely dismiss that certain factors caused by humans have an effect on nature, I do not believe it is completely our doing. We've had ice ages as well as many other climatic catastrophic events happened throughout the ages, which have been proven by science, at a time that we did not exist. Therefore, I would go on to say that we might be contributing perhaps 30% to the environmental equation. However, that is not an excuse not to take responsibility for things. We as a whole need to start or move onto taking care of whatever we can.
Still I find it kind of hypocritical for Al Gore and all these folks preaching about conservation, recycling & the environment when they in fact do very little to change things. We as individuals can do very little asides from recycling our garbage, buying energy efficient appliances and light bulbs and that's about it. Unfortunately, most of us have to drive to work. Tell the automakers to not only make alternative fuel cars, but to keep them at a cost the average person can afford. Has anyone purchased organic food lately? Then you know how much more expensive everything natural and eco-friendly costs. What's the point of having it if you keep it at a cost that most of us can't afford??
I, also agree with the fact that we are contributing to global warming. However, Most of the planets in our solar system are also experiencing climactic changes like us. I believe that it has to do with the 26,000 or 62,000,000 year cycle that we should be happy to be alive during (having to do with the alignment of our Sun, Earth, and the Black Rift in the center of the Galaxy on Dec 21, 2012). 2012 is going to be great if you're in a "service to others" mentality. David Wilcock has some great (but WAY fringe) ideas on 2012, if you want to check it out and get your mind blown, check out the Project Camelot interviews (Pt. 1-4) on YouTube.
However, I can't help but think of SkyNet and Terminator when reading about Web Bot! I mean, did they design it to predict things OTHER than the stock market, or did it just start doing that on it's own? Does anyone have the answer for me to set my mind at ease! LOL!
guys, did you ever think to you know maybe consider what this computer program said and maybe help prevent it from occuring. like i heard on this show that now it says theirs going to be nuclear warfare and shit. you guys need to prevent these things and help keep the world alive past 2012, even 2013 is a big step for us.
you have some really great articles on your blog.our blog and this stuff is really interesting.
According to you(web bot) the web bot snapshots key words about upcoming events. I think that it is plausible that it really works, but on the other hand, you say that the web bot takes snapshots of key words on the net. Now, there has been alot of talk about doomsday 2012, and im sure the web bot has taken very many snapshots of key words that are related to this. My point being, I dont think that the web bot is of any kind of reliable source an this matter becouse of all the buzz about 2012 being the end of the world, or whatever. Im not saying that the web bot is totally bogus, but there are alot of people who believe the end of the world is near, and there are many websites, as well as chatter about this online. But I am sure that the web bot is a reliable source for all things we dont know about before hand such as the twin towers tragedy.
Who has authority over truth? For whosoever has that authority has the answer. This means nobody except for the messiah! He is coming! You're either prepared or not...
The highlander said it the best - "There can be only one!"
He is...
The extrapolations/predictions of the Web-Bot(s) may be/contain the expections/considerations of the majority with more emphisis per reaccurance/instance of keywords and thoughts. (pun intended, if you have read how the words actually read that come out of the printer from the web-bot)
Support for the web-bot on this basis of informational compilation could be considered more valid if people believed that the majority of the human race has the ability to expect/predict the future in a vague but more accurate than 'guestimate' way. For example humans could all be partially psychic or collectively psychic because of a spiritual phenomenon/force or mental mechanic/science that is not yet common knowledge.
The future could also manifest itself based on the expectations (faith/hope) or will (desire) of the majority of people in this quantative reality(dreamscape).
While this is slightly different than what I said above, I personally believe that humans do percieve the future because they have that ability or because it is revieled to them metaphorically or literally by something/someone else subconciously, while dreaming, or both. i.e. God
I forgot to sign my work.
BTW, my name is Joe Tidwell and I think too much.
I am amazed at what Western / American bias these predications have . . .
Does the rest of the world not exisit?
The end of the days in 2008! i do not thing so!!!
It's seems to me that 12-21-2012 is an important date for the whole world. There are just too many predicting a turn of events happening. Prophecies, ancient calenders, wizards, and even Mr. Roboto(web bot) are pointing to this date.
My opinion: This will NOT be a total end of the world, just a lot destruction( mainly caused by mother nature). The survivors will become extremely spirtual, even if they did not believe in anything.
The survivors will see their own children die and still need to remain strong enough to save others. There will be no power, very little food, a lot of diseases, very little paved roads left to travel on. It will be...a very gloom time, but at the same time the big hearts of humans helping others like we do in crisis will get us through it. There will be isolated medical camps set up, military present and God will live strongly in all our hearts for once. The world will CHANGE for the good in the end of world as we know it.
My name is Chip and I would risk my own life for any of you. Thank you for reading.
I just wanted to say that it is interesting on how some of the predictions have been made. I went and did some searching of my own from earlier posts of other people and I did notice that some of its predictions were correct. Also this was on the History Channel about 2012. But while in the shower I had a strange apifiny. The Mayan calendar ended on the winter solicstice of 2012, and the I Ching (pronounced E Ching) stops at 2012, I wonder if Stonehenge has a play in this also. Because if you stand in the center of the standing stones, on the longest day of the year, (December 21st) the sun passes directly between a group of stones that make a small box. Maybe they were trying to tell us something too.
Web Bot predicts 12/21/2012 as the end of the world because others have pedicted it throughout history and there is information about these predictions on the web, thus, it predicts the same thing. Just like any metanalysis, it is "predicting" what others have said collectively talked and posted about. Therefore, one could pedict the end of the world to be 1/30/2014 and post it enough, thereby making the end of the world 1/30/2014. So, if we want to extend our livespan, please post the date for the end of the world as we know it to be a date that you are READY for the world as you know it to change. Starting to sound like "The Secret"... another work that is targeted at the nieve and gullible.
Web Bot predicts 12/21/2012 as the end of the world because others have pedicted it throughout history and there is information about these predictions on the web, thus, it predicts the same thing. Just like any metanalysis, it is "predicting" what others have said collectively talked and posted about. Therefore, one could pedict the end of the world to be 1/30/2014 and post it enough, thereby making the end of the world 1/30/2014. So, if we want to extend our livespan, please post the date for the end of the world as we know it to be a date that you are READY for the world as you know it to change. Starting to sound like "The Secret"... another work that is targeted at the nieve and gullible.
Maybe the magnetic poles realign, but how will this cause changes in EVERYTHING? Also, it isn't the end of the world. There has been no rule of the antichrist. The web-bot is nothing but an algorithm. So it is mathematically finding the same thing more than once on the internet. If it finds blogs and articles with the same info then it marks it. It may have found the Mayan calender and chinese prophecies. This would have caused it to mark the info and make a prediction. Really, this thing is just stating information. The predictions are based on druggies and one calender ending. Mayan calender could end because at 2012 could be their suspected time of the end and the chinese information is from a mathematically calculation of horoscopes. Would you really want to believe this?
This is very funny.
The "Webbot" only takes in consideration the words in english.....
So the so-called predictions can only be related to english speaking countries....
In fact none of the so-called predictions makes mention of other events that have occured or will occure in the rest of the world but the US.
So tell me: how can this "webbot" thing can be applied to other languages and were can the results be found?
If no one can show it, it's only the proof this is only another silly web buzz.....
Should I post my comment? Or did Web bot already predict it? ...
Check out Youtube. Try 2012, Mayan Calendar, end times, etc.
hi all. i want to tell you all something that may blow ur mind but before i do i want to bring light to what really matters because it may just save u as a person. have true genuine love for our fellow men. i would give my life 2 save a stranger if need be. what act of love is greater then that? also, spread happiness n joy 2 others because when u do that ur spreading love. could be ur fam mem or friend even a stranger. make them smile and feel loved n cared about because deep down we all want 2 feel that. if we all just came together with genuine love n respect in our hearts as well as God we could live in a world of peace n tranquility. imagine no worries such as murder, fornication,etc. can u comprehend that? thats the world i want 2 be apart of but i dont expect 2 see it until my ressurection but i want 2 get my point out which is that u have the power 2 change someones life as well as ur own through spreading love n happiness. because through love youll find God.
my names joe david e. i live in Ohio n i have the gift of sight thru dreams. i have no conrol over it nor do i kno how 2 use it. ill get 2 the mind blower in a sec but i want 2 share my experience with u first. i had a NDE when i was 5 n drowned. every1 who said theres a tunnel with a light at the end is right because thats wat i saw. theres was a lady in a white dress with dark hair at the end b4 the light. she drifted torwards me n ofcourse i was scared n had no idea wat was going on. it was like a rip or worm hole between our world n the tunnel bout 10-20 ft off the ground cuz i remember looking down at my mom who was kneeled beside my lifeless body begging God not to let this happen. when she got in front of me she asked if i was ready 2 go then quickly added it wasnt my time. as she asked thats when i looked down at my mom. imagine being 5 n not really knowing wat happened ( death ) then being asked if u were ready 2 go knowing ur mom couldnt follow n at that age ur attached 2 mom
so in my heart i felt sad and the lady knew this n thats when she added it wasnt my time. it happened that quick. i then descended n came 2 spitting out water as my mom thanked the man who saved me. on down the road when i realised wat happened n was able to comprehend i told my mom wat happened n she thought i was being funny until i described the man n everything he did 2 me as well as everything they said. now as 4 the gift at first when i was young bout 10 yrs old i would experience deja vu alot. then 1 night when i was 12 my grandma was staying with us n we all went 2 bed. she liked 2 sleep on the recliner so she slept there. i was having a blackout dream then suddenly this light starts 2 get brighter n brighter out of nowhere and as its intensifying i see a shadow of my grandma in the recliner. 4 some reason i knew wat was happening so i asked..God y r u taking my grandma? he said shes been begging me n shes suffered enough. woke up 2 find out grandma passed away lastnight which i already knew
i couldnt make sense of it. wat happened 2 the tunnel? thought about it n came to the conclusion that it wasnt her time but she begged God so much n couldnt bare the pain that he or an angel came n carried her home. i luv u grandma n i know ur in a better place hope i make it so i can c u again. that obviously wasnt a vision of the future n i still dont understand y i seen it. the 2nd thing is i was still in elementary school 5 grade i believe. i dreamed that some1 went into a school with a gun and just started shooting any1 he came across. im almost 29 now so u go bak to when i was in 5 grade that puts us at 1991. how many yrs b4 columbine? between that time n 1999 id have dreams about an increase in bad weather so bad that it will break record floods and earthquakes will happen more commonly ( came 2 pass n is continuing ), out breaks of an undetectable bacterial virus which CAN kill ( hasnt come 2 pass i dont think ) an attempt to assassinate the president of the USA ( hasnt come 2 pass )
an event will take place so we the civilians see firsthand for ourselves that aliens do exist ( hasnt come 2 pass ) now in 1999 i had a dream i was standing on the street corner n the tall building across from me was occupied by powerful politicians including the president because i overheard some1 say it. as i was watching them leave the building just caved in much like a demolition. when it came down there was so much fine dust in the air i could hardly see n just as im getting ready 2 run i look n the building is standing there again as the smoke is clearing. i think 2 myself that this is a weird dream n no more pizza b4 bed. same thing happened again only this time when i looked bak the building didnt reappear. woke up n told my x wife bout it n never mentioned it again till 9/11/01. hope u find truth in that story.
time 4 the mind blower cuz it blew mine n im still scared. i dont have cable nor a comp. im using my ps3 web browser 2 send this out. i dont watch tv or read the paper much. im ill n unable 2 work so my daily routine consists of cleaning n family time. i dont go out much either. in 2002 i had a dream it was the yr 2012. i know because we planned a xmas party n marked it on the calendar. the date was dec.21.alot of talk about an astrological event 4 that day.the planets align n when they did earths gravitation n magnetic fields changed so quickly it instantly caused the seas to rise thousands of ft,volcanoes we never knew existed erupted instantly filling the sky with hot ash,then an earthquake so great it shook the world b4 splitting it in half.
the mind blower 4 me....i went 2 the library to look up a movie DOA dead on arrival. didnt find but 1 of the titles i seen was Doomsday 2012: the end of days. so recalling that dream i had i requested it n watched it 2day. i was freaked n speechless as well as my fiance since i told her bout this dream 4 yrs ago n even told her the date. we laughed it off back then but now i cant get her 2 stop stressing. i think shes even afraid of me now.i told her theres a chance nothing will happen but 1 things 4 sure n im sure ull all agree....on 12/21/12 the planets will align n no1 can stop that. beyond that im hoping my dream was wrong.peace n love 2 u all
I just wached the stupid program about end of the world in 2012. It had so many errors that I can't even say. It was only the mayans and that idiot guy who did somekind of time map that say the end is 2012. The sifting of the earths magnetic poles is a normal event and has happened manytimes before without an end of the world.
That document made me angry cause theres lot's of ignorant people who no nothing about science and it should be illeagal to feed them such noncense.
Wow this almost sounds like hercules wiht the planets aligning and everything.
Jokes aside, unless the authors of the webbots has kept information to themselves to not create mass-panic, the only thing that the webbot said was "2012". It didnt say DOOMSDAY 2012 or END OF THE WORLD 2012 or anything, only 2012.
I believe something will happen at 2012, but what this something is, is still a mystery.
People always exaggerate and say "OOH doomsday TOMORROW!" as soon as they find something out. It's the nature of humans, always searching for impending doom. Personally, I can't find a reason to believe that 21 12 12 will be a doomsday.
In fact it may just be the first day of the seven-year tribulation.
Can Web Bot predict it is a scam?
The Google bot trolls the internet constantly. keep track of the word counts. If you want a certain time period put it in the search as well. Am I wrong??
Hmm.. I can't really make much sense of the web-bot's predictions. Heres a few of mine: 1) the price of oil will go over 150 barrel before 2009 is over 2) the western economies are beginning to crack under the strain of being severely in debt and high oil prices, mostly the U.S debt, that means this is only the beginning 3)poverty and even starvation will continue to spread throughout the world, as fuel prices, storms and droughts make it harder to produce food 4) a revolution may be in the making in the US, where the populace has the means to make the government do what it wants by force. In any case, there will be violent demonstrations in the US in 2009.
If, say a dozen of Nostradamus' "predicitons" are believed to have come to fruition, how about all that have not?
What about them?
I used to be a skeptic concerning Nostradamus, until I found two of his (yes, just two) predictions that were spot on: dates, names, the whole thing. Unmistakable.
You see, it only takes ONE white crow to prove that not all crows are black.
And vice-versa.
I'm 36 and have known about 12-21-2012 since I was about 14, before the internet or TV. Maybe I can live long enough to see the world rid its self of the desease called mankind. We have destroied everything that did not suit us, maybe the planet will do the same. I hope that it kills off all you drug addicts, dope dealers and doctors that push that push that crap to line your pockets.
web bot is like "olok" if you know what i mean, totally olokish method of prediction...
Anyone recall 01/01/2000 and the horrible things that were predicted for us on that date? That goofy "Millennium" non-sense went away on 01/02/2000.
I read yesterday about a guy who bet $2,000 that we would have an official, publicized Alien/UFO encounter. I suspect that he's not returning his bookies phone calls today.
All of these "predictions" are left to vast speculation and interpretation. Anyone can twist statistics in their favor. Stop chasing ghosts!
I do agree with the article at the end. The establishment explainations about mankind's origins which include creationism,evolution,ancient astronaut theory,aliens don't give the whole picture. I think the reality could be an amalgamation or mixture of all or some of the main theories or maybe none of them. Maybe we find out the truth about who we really are(as a race)after the 2012 date. Just like a teenager when he goes from a child to an adult sometimes learns that the real truth about life is different than what he was told as a child. Maybe 2012 is like some initiation or trial that launches our race into adulthood.
I Know what is going to be happen in 2012. The Antichrist will be Secretary-General of the United Nations. And in 2015 he will be the king of this world in his palace in Israel...
I think that the web bot phenomenon is facinating. I will certainly make every effort to spend all my money before that fateful day in 2012. I have named my two children Web and Bot.
Living Large
ok, so basicly its crawling through the internet finding out information on things that may happen, so it means that its already been written somewhere on the internet, so say for terrorist attacks the "web-bot" will find out the next terrorist attack and then report to the makers, so shouldn't we be able to trace back the source of where it comes back from.
I couldn't care less about what you Skeptics say, I really am interested about this and the Mayans, it may not be the end of the world in 2012, but it may be something more on the lines of a BIG change.
I feel a great urgency to inform you and others about the serious predicament the world is in. Just as God gave Noah 7 days to get into the ark, God has given mankind 7000 years from the time of the flood to enter into the safety of Christ (the door). Once the door is shut, there will be no more hope, no more salvation. The Bible has revealed in our day that the true believers will know much much more especially details concerning time and judgment. For them the Lord will not come as a thief. For the rest though He will come as a thief. My hope is that you will at least look at the information provided. I feel like this is a life and death situation. I have to share these things with others. God speaks of His children as watchmen. They declare what He reveals to them through His Word. Please compare these following verses which show that the elect will indeed know when the Lord is coming back. They are looking and watching. Only by the mercy of God.
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. [Seeing] then [that] all these things shall be dissolved, what manner [of persons] ought ye to be in [all] holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. And account [that] the longsuffering of our Lord [is] salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know [these things] before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness." (2 Peter 3:10-17 AV)
1 Thessalonians 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
Ecclesiastes 8:5 Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.
1 Corinthians 2:11-12 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Proverbs 25:2 [It is] the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings [is] to search out a matter.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
compare with
Matthew 24:48-50 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite [his] fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for [him], and in an hour that he is not aware of,
Revelation 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Notice the contrast between the beloved and the evil servant. It's clear from theses verses and many others that God makes a distinction. If we are watching (carefully studying His Word) we will know the timing of the end, because that is what God wills. If we are not watching, He will come upon us as a thief. We also live in a day when God is no longer using the churches (external congregations representing His Kingdom on this earth). God the Holy Spirit has come out of the midst in the sense that He's no longer saving anyone there. He has also given the churches over to Satan as His judgment upon them. It's so awful because they don't even know it. They think all is well. Peace, Peace, when in fact there is no peace at all. We are living in a day of massive deception. Satan comes as an angel of light, so without the discernment of the Holy Spirit, no one will see this. I feel truly sad for those still in the churches and outside who cannot see this. When I look at how the churches have corrupted the truths of the Bible, especially the message of salvation, changing it into a works-grace gospel, it makes me upset and sad at the same time. I know that only God can show someone the truth, so I have to be very patient. I hope you will receive this message in the spirit it's offered. I don't mean anyone harm. I just want to share truth. Please see the following site for much more detailed information concerning the timing of the end :
Thank you for your time.
Louis Erasmus
If one person tells you something, your not likely to believe it. If 2 or three poeple tell you the same thing, you may not believe them. When 20 or 30 poeple share the same idea, you tend to start listening.
I don't feel that anything catastrophic is defenitely going to happen or that any specific prediction will be accurate, but I do feel that some world-wide event is going to occur.
There are just too many shared ideas, historical and present, that are pointing to the exact same date to not catch our attention.
Hi Anonymous,
With regard to your posting "January 5, 2009 10:04 PM"
When God destroyed the world in Noah's day by the flood, there were only 8 people who understood what was going to happen. The rest did not know. The same will happen in our day. Only a remnant will take heed. The rest will not know (understand). They might hear, but will not flee to God for refuge. Truth is not based on consensus, but on the living Word of God.
Matthew 24:38-39 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
1 Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
Thank you for your time
Louis Erasmus
well if it's nthe end of the world I guess were screwed hay , dosent it seem that way . What can we do if it is . I guess we just have to except the enevitible . ya think
This week NASA got a latest report on Sun solar Storm.Which is carried out for NASA by the US National Academy of Sciences.And it said what Hopi,Mayan and Web Bot talked about Predicted for 2012, a big solar storm catastrophe
According to Hopi prediction" Sun will get Harder".Mayans said catastrophic "Solar Event" in 2012 and Web Bot also supported the same.
NASA report concluded that"The sun operates on an 11-year cycle, with the next "active" phase due in 2012 likely to present the nearest danger."
im sorry to have to say this but this is probibly not going to happen because it s web based. You can write down anything about 2012 and it will find it like what im writing now it will look at it and pull the numbers 2012 out of it.
if our solar system IS going to throw off the balance of our earth we really have no power to change a thing. so just sit back and enjoy our "last" years.
To Quote Louis Erasmus,
"I feel a great urgency to inform you and others about the serious predicament the world is in. Just as God gave Noah 7 days to get into the ark, God has given mankind 7000 years from the time of the flood to enter into the safety of Christ (the door)."
And at the end of his post he gives a web site, that gives 2 dates, The Rapture, May 21, 2011, and then The End of the World
October 21, 2011. A Family Radio Follower. The owner of Family Radio is Harold Camping, who has given many false prophecies in the past, and needs to give it up. He said he miscalculated a few times, but feels he has it this time. Now, according to The Bible, a true prophet is 100% correct every time, because there is a heavy penalty for a false prophet...
20 'But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.'
Deut 18:20
Of course, it is up to God to deal with that man, not us, but you get the point of how God feels about it.
Louis, up to that point, you may have been worth listening to, but once you started with the date setting, then that let me, a Christian minister and teacher of The Bible, under the anointing of The Holy Spirit, know that you are not to be listened to, because The Bible is very strict in what it says about the end times, and without the anointing of The Holy Spirit, The Bible cannot be understood...
14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. 16 For "who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?" But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Cor 2:14-16
So, what does The Bible say about those who set dates for the end of the world, or when Jesus will return?
24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand. 26 Therefore if they say to you, 'Look, He is in the desert!' do not go out; or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms!' do not believe it. Matt 24:24-26
36 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
Matt 24:36
The false teachers put on a good show, and even sound good with how they present their information, but unless you check it with The Bible, you will not catch the fact that it is false.
If The Bible, which is the final authority, and is also what they are quoting to back themselves up, says that, no man knows the day, or the hour, and they give a date, then you need to decide, do you believe them, or The Bible, which has been accurate for the length of time that it has been in existence.
1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
And how do we try them? Against the Bible.
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim 3:15-17
So, anyway, when anyone says anything that contradicts what God's words says, always believe God's word...
3 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? 4 Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. Romans 3:3-4
God Bless
This discussion about web bot and predictions is very interesting although I have to say its supposed accomplishments sound a lot like an urban myth. Has anyone seen the actual data the web bot gathered that led it to predict 9/11? This story is repeated all over the web, but what is the original source material? Thanks.
ive seen way to much shit from so many differnt sources not to beleave the end is near. and if it doesnt end on the same day as december 21, 2012, i will personally send a long note to president Obama and cuss his rear out.
Copy/Paste to change day on the "web-bot"
"Doomsday 6.6.6666 the earth will self destruct"
Hopefully with enough comments/post/articles on sites we can change the web-bots prediction to 6.6.6666 doomsday and make it on the news somewhere.
what the time change earth?21.12.2011 or 21.12.2012
lets make love all you want hahaha
As Web-bot is just a web spider programm which keeps collecting data put by me/you/us on internet having some of the words defined as 'seed words' fore the software, it's just a data collecting tool not able to predict anything precisely: e-g: if 100 people write about something on different site and wb-bot collects the data & if such an even occurs then later on there will be a report that Web-bot did predicted it etc...
As far as 2012 is concerned, currently these are interpretation of ancient prophecies by Myans, Chines etc & there's is always a chance for interpretation to be correct or wrong till the event happens, personally I think these are about a apocyptic scale event but scientifically i don't find a plausible forthcoming event other than currently going on gradual changes like G warming, slight polar shifting, Sun Cycles. As i say these aer gradual so I don't put these to the scale of Apoclyptic...All I would say to lead a life according to the concept of 'Paying Due respects to Others' :)
the truth is.. this 'change of heart' we will experience (are experiencing) leading up to 2012 started in the late 70's and early 80's. I was born in 83.. and my childhood was, well, mine. My parents were under-educated, and frankly very 'drama-based'. they watched the news every night at 6. They made me hate their world, so i created my own. little did i know that y'all were experiencing the same 'awakening'. See, the 80s were good for something!!
Perhaps vibrations emmited from the super massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy during the equinox precession/ galactic alignment will unlock a higher level of consciouness for all humans?
perhaps we should wait for the time if the doomsday is real or not beacause we are panicking!!!
No one is grasping what is happening, I am afraid...the end is not in 2012, that is only the START of the Tribulations...which end in the 42-month, of October 2015...imagine what the years of 2014 and 2015 will be like?
Get the scientific results in a popular form: 1) a global catastrophe will be started in 2012-15; 2) the main means to avoid it; 3) the 2009 is a critical year to start their support.
Optimizer (investigation and optimization of complex phenomena). Got Univ. ed. in 1962, Sci. degree in 1967, Sci. title in 1969. Ph/Fax +7 843 2365517. E-mail
With the developing of the human mind to the degree it has since the onset of the industrial-revolution it is fairly obvious that with the increase of knowledge there is a more and better predictable concience in the human element than ever before,meaning we now have the ability to go just beyond reason and logic to a more enhanced view of our thinking and many are not willing to accept this as readily as others in our society. This I suspect is fear of the unknown or just resistance to change,even if the change turns out to be good or at least better than we have ever experienced before. There is a change comming and we can only hope it is for the better,eitherway, it can not be stopped. My advice is to say( Be Ready). I love you all!!!!!
president of South Korea 2Mbyte will murder ten thousands peoples in 2010year 10month 3day.
Why dont u guys talk about the prediction it made and nothing happened!
i got a good prediction
in 2012 our sun will be between us and the center of the galaxy!
this web bot is b.s. no one can predict the future. all of these so called future tellers are never right it only shows after the fact. lets see one predict one that we can see now not after it already happen. here is a prediction. the world will end one day. theres one for yall. see yall dec 22 2012.
Hi! I have been interested in the web bot and algorithms for a very long time; the difference is I use my human computer brain to study it. I am an inventor. I am disturbed by the rude remarks, the complete anti- social behavior or people on the Internet- I can only – guess what the web bot is predicting for the future and it must be grim based on the lack of integrity in writings on the Internet. – Let us add in the constant download of useless- data with no substance or validity to it. It appears as the high unemployment rate continues- and – fallen world economy = it brings- about a new sort of social terrorism on the Internet- people show serious aggressive behavior. In addition, people pretend to be every type of thing on the Internet. My conclusion is we cannot trust data on the Internet. Further people are rude, crude and have no semblance of morality and there is – very little recourse for it. People can get on the Internet with fake identities and write horrible- wretched comments about everything. I am concerned if it does not stop- in the very near future- and humanity does not come to some sense of order- people and society will collapse everywhere bringing chaos. I have written about this on several websites- however, few are interesting in any real- or pertinent information. Further, they will read the most gruesome headlines and the news- is now slanted in that direction- (to get people to read it_ and they are also statistically more interested in gossip, slander- and useless information. I believe no computer can gauge human emotions in regards to what people should care about or read, so I am throwing my human brain computer in here to say. It is – on a tremendous decline- and I am concerned and I am hoping a few people with a brain will – calculate the cost of society going in complete disarray – showing aggression and ignorance everywhere on the web.
Thank you for this awesome article – and just to add my two cents in here- If there is any contribution the real thinkers in this world can do is figure out how to get === cyber behavior in control- stop the theft of information, plagiarism, theft of music- art and science. There must (in the future) come =a way to genuinely police the Internet. Perhaps people should have to disclose their true identity- social security number and address. I think if many people realized there were consequences to the behavior and laws against cyber – smut perhaps some would stop it. Unfortunately, my studies reveal the most insane – people write on the Internet people with serious – mental problems. If the web bot is only able to calculate trends from materials written online and predict them- from the ignorance, rudeness and complete lack of ethics- it should be predicting the end of the world soon because that is – what my decade long research – with my brain has revealed. I do not see much good for a massive computer to use incorrect- anti – social data- the only good could come if the “viral- pandemic mind plague” could be cured somehow with a computer that could police it – just not predict it.
To me as an inventor- the future and survival of humanity depends on cyber control- not cyber – prediction. Tiara designs I am a toy and doll designer- my life has been dedicated to the study of human behavior.
dec 21 2012 is the end. take a look at what most of you call movies. the matrix, the terminater, I robot and even the new surrogates they all say the same thing. we are now nothing more than a power source for the machines. we are kept docile by beliveing that this world is reality. somewhere in the distant past we created a super advanced computer, some robots and thought we were in control. 2012 is not the end of the world its just as far as human history was ever recorded. this day and age was selected as the best to keep repeating in the human mind. the machines grow humans in vast feilds. it gives us something to fear and to look forward to at the same time. humans need despair. we all want that perfect world but when we get it we think its too good to be true and we reject it. the machines know this. at first we think its cool to be anyone we want without ever leaving home. our robot goes out into the world for us. slowly the machines phase out our robot and put us into a computer program. how are we to know? we feel what the robot feels we think thats really us out there. the computer found a way to use us for power and to keep us quite. ever have a dream and it felt like it was real? what is real? electrical impules recived by the brain? what about all these historical figures that "precidt the future"? they know whats going to happen but noe one else want to belive them. just as people dont belive in aliens. how can anyone think that our little planet is the only one in the universe that has life on it? the machines dont want you to think that life could be out there. its too much for our little minds to comprehend. ever notice that the ones that seem to on to something like that just up and dissapear? all proof the world is not what you think.
theres alot of people that dont belive, if you would read the bible, and listen too the news its easy too see.beware of the peace maker, and the stock market will fall, and when they get control of the banks and the health care, what do you thinks gonna happen after that.. communisum , ther will be a last battle of good and evil, but you know jesus already won,, 2000 yrs ago. i see alot things happen real soon,just like there will be an earth quake strike from the great lakes clear down too texas, it will be so deep you wont see the bottom. and alot of people will see jesus when he comes from heaven on that great white horse emmet
It is more than a given that we do not have collective access to tangible and irrefutable total-knowledge of events in our world history, past or present. What we do have, is bits and pieces of evidence, educated guesses and faith. Because of our nature and our incredible need to believe, hope and survive, we cling to any shred of “evidence” that may lead us towards the fulfillment of these needs. I have an open mind, BUT, an highly inquisitive one too. Because I presume to understand the logic behind “web bot’s” methodology; I have several possibilities for its nature:
1. Like its creators claim, it can predict the future by tapping into the collective psyche of internet users, since it takes its info from internet searches. Which would explain the regionalized nature of its prediction (e.i. US and related developed countries).
2. The creators of the program, with intentions of better predicting Stock trends, stumbled across a more lucrative (not exclusively monetary wealth) “side effect”. The “spiders” that collect tendencies and frequencies on line are actually spying on web users. Not only “googlers”, like you and me, but all web users, within the limits of the software. If we notice most of the predictions are man made events, not nature related events. They are localized, or at least related to the developed world. As we all well know, no matter how smart we want to believe we are, we like to talk about our exploits. We document almost everything, for many different reasons, and we use a computer more than we are aware. Bits and pieces of electronic information are everywhere. Maybe its not so much predicting, as much as it is collecting intelligence from several sources to validate its possibilities. Listening at both sides of the “phone call” and at what happened after the “phone call”.
3.You tell me.
A common theme that has become apparent to me in reading some of the past comments is the current inhumanity of humans. Oxymoron. Yes. Nonetheless, it is not a new global occurance. Humans have always been brutual to each other, enslaving one another for eons now. We have been the catalyst in the rapidly declining quality of our planet Earth. We humans, are also the ones that have the power to change this. So while there are people that predict the elevation of human spirituality and spiritual consciousness, I think not. Presently, we are at the top of the food chain. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs were at the top of the food chain but they became extinct. Humans are also on there way to extinction. It may come to pass by extraterrestrial debris, solar flares or maybe even aliens but the most likely scenerio is humans become extinct by their own hand. It's sad. The fact that humans are an itelligent species but insist on destroying everything around them, including themselves, inevitably seals their fate of extinction. I know someday I will die and all of my memories, personal knowledgeand emotions will be gone. I will longer be conscious of anything. No one can definitively prove that an afterlife exist. No one can definitively prove that a "God" or "Gods" exist. For me, all I have is now.
All eyes will see HIM descending on a cloud
Is there a posibility that 2012 is time for planet earth to receive another visit by extra-terrestrials ? is probably time for another visit as it takes so long to travel in space, like Erich Von Daniken states in he's books!!!!
Greetings to all. My My, another end of the world forecast. I must say though that everyone is absolutely correct, the world is going to come to an end.... eventually. So in the meantime why does'nt everyone make believe that it is going to happen sooner than later and start doing something positive in their lives. You see we humans are creatures of habit, if we were to start making it a habit to help a friend, someone we don't know, read a book, learn something new, understand the differences in cultures, peoples and respect them for who and what they are, eliminate our need for fossil fuels. I believe this is the only way the population of this planet can ever survive. Not by warring with our geographical neighbors but working together in a true sense of worldly team spirit.
I believe in a Supreme Being, if you want call it him or her or them, the Lord or Jehovah, Allah, Budda or ET. I do not think it really matters, all religions are based in a similar concept, live your life true, respect others,lead a simple and humble life and you will reap the benefits of eternal life. I also am the eternal optimist, I believe that mankind will survive I only hope that mankind will somehow learn from it's past mistakes, the only way this can happen is if upon the new world order that there is also a new level of consciousness and intelligence bestowed upon the world. This is my first posting on any web site ever.
The Truth is everything has a beginning and an end, Our earth had a beginning now we wait for the end 2012 or beyond.
I plan on living forever so 2012 can be the end of the world but im still gonna be here.
I think movies are real and we are all part of a computer simulation.
what about soalar power
well i think movies r telling us what will be... executive decision was 9/11 and knowing is 2012
Hmm.. 12/21/2012 is when the earth is closest to the sun on its elliptical orbit.If you want some predictions here are a few :Shasta will blow with only 3 hours notice :28,000 long tons of gold and copper will fall into the indian ocean:An airbourne typhus will kill over a Billion people in less than three week period:An area south of St Laurence and east of Mississippi will move 9 inches killing 50 million americans:Pee On Yang will long for his Souel but will be made in Taiwan:Tahrans gift to Tel Aviv will rubble the walls of Demascus and Quake down buildings in Jerusalem:12:01 PM 12/21/2012 the earth will be moving away from the sun ending global warming
Every sight that I go to talks about a great change that will happen on Dec. 21 2012. Since I was a child I could notice certain changes around the world every couple of years. Basicly what I am getting at is that we are in that change right now and have been for some time. Just recently it seems that everyone is coming to the reality that it is time for change to come to its climax and then come to its demise. I'm not sure what will happen on that date in Decembers winter solstice. But I am afraid that it will be something catostrophic. Just today the news was talking about the earliest winter for northeastern U.S..... If you watched the Titans and Patriots game you know what I'm talking about. Come on its the middle of oct. and its snowing. That is kind of strange. (AND WE ARE SUPPOSABLY HAVING GLOBAL WARMING) And just a couple weeks ago a crap load of quakes registered in California. Nothing major to worry about, but with in a 24 hour period there was 27 quakes. The most in history recorded in a 24 hour period. And one week before that, there was the samoa america that had 2 quakes, one of them causing a tsunami. Things around the world are definetly coming to a climax and seems that the closer we get to December 21 2012 its only going to get worse. Just my opinion
You are absolutely right. The world is changing
Those of you making predictions as if you were a profit(falsely so) are like most of us. You have NO idea what may or may not be coming or what to expect.
Here's the truth. EVERYTHING ends(or changes) at some time or another, in one way or another. All of the pesimistic doomsday profits who have been predicting the end of the world SOON for the last few thousand years, have been wrong.
It may have changed drastically but it is still here and life goes on. One day, the Earth will end(probably when the Sun dies out) and someone will eventually be right. If you're hoping it will be you and your prediction that's correct, then I am sorry for you. Your life is a sad one if you look forward to the end of days.
I believe that there may in fact be something very special about December 21, 2012. Why? Various different cultures that seemed unable to communicate with each other or even know about the existence of one another have seemingly pointed to this date. These cultures are distanced not only by geography but by century.
There will be the same type of natural activities that took place 50 million years ago that caused mountains to come up out of the ground, plate-tektonics shift, volocano's blowing, the same thing that killed the dino's will also kill us, just as the ice-age killed all the cave men. What? are people that illiterate that they can't believe things that have happend before are going to happen again? Aparently so from the results of the poll on this site! Go ahead and don't believe, we're all going to die anyway!
There will be the same type of natural activities that took place 50 million years ago that caused mountains to come up out of the ground, plate-tektonics shift, volocano's blowing, the same thing that killed the dino's will also kill us, just as the ice-age killed all the cave men. What? are people that illiterate that they can't believe things that have happend before are going to happen again? Aparently so from the results of the poll on this site! Go ahead and don't believe, we're all going to die anyway!
That which we manifest, lies before us.
yes, i truly believe our ignorance and arrogance is cripling our knowledge and advancement.
while in prison in 2003 I wrote in a journal everyday. During this time I had the vision of the end of the world being a spiritual shift, not a as destruction as seen by the christians. When I read this website I fell out of my chair. The knowledge I had I realized was inside me from birth. We all have that understanding. I now know it's true.
What's going to happen in Oskarshamn kalmar län ???
The End Is HERE Everyone!
Yes, the end of you're speculation. Nothing is going to happen exept for the things people make it to be. Programs like this is just locking fore "word trends", so if everybody is talking about 2012 It will make predictions about 2012, in that way is a self-fulfilling prediction. Good luck to you all
Hi Hugin,
Thanks so much for participating in the site. I get what you're saying, although, there's a bit more involved than simply looking for word trends. . . . take a look at the link to the "time concept" and "tipping point" pieces and you'll see what I mean.
This goes much further than simply word trending . . .
Theres only one "Hope" yeah, its true that we are all going to die. But the second death that you don't know about. Rev. 21:8 that we all should look into. And this prediction is for sure. We shall all stand before the judgement seat of He "Alpha and the Omega," but guess what! I'm not waitng for judgement, I'm waitng for Salvation.
what is a humalienangel or a humalienanimal???
Is it true that the destroyer is come to destroy the church because of it's grose afflictions-The DESTROYER being CHRIST? BOO!
so it makes me wonder sometimes that wht is the airport in colorado been added on undergground and that it only serves for high ranks of people. it is sometimes better not to know the answer of such things to come, but then again we as a u.s. citizen need the knowledge. sometimes i think to myself if they are puttimg the bible code and nostradomuas togather to seek out these world events and not telling anybody after it happens. is it by accident? i dont believe so, it is like before 911, lets try and to think back to that week or month. i remember, the u.s was in good shape beside bush being in office! there wasnt any worries about 401k,forclosures,socialsecurity and birdflu. the market was good stocks were doing ok and steady. does anybody can relate to what i am saying.we should think for a moment or ponder the fact we thought everything was ok until it happened. we did not know but they did and not warn us! at the moment my head is spinning and it makes me sick to think of how much we dont know. i would like to have people join me sometime head to area 51 and many other places i am not talking about 100 people more like a million strong and have a set date. but thats just my opinion. keith luethje, york ne.
Web bot is a component of the Illuminati sphere of operations.
Its so-called "predictions" are actually foreknowledge it leaks out at the behest of TPTB. One concrete give away is the zionist-judaic template it uses to measure mankind's timeline.
'judaically' based of course.
web bot useful as a revealer of NWO insider plans. It is not a true predictive device but another signaling apparatus of The Elite NWO freemasonic crowd.
They tell us what they do, before the plans are implemented as part of their religous ritual.
Will some catastrophe coinicide with Bohemian Grove or the apex of the Cardinal Cross/ Lughnasa on Aug 1?
We shall soon see.
Ok webbot, therefore nibiru does not exist, global warming does not exist, what really happens in the very near future 2012 is happiness, harmony between nations, enjoy, abundance. I will better type those words in the search engines and also in my mind (quantum physics)
WTF?! this webbot is stupid, it only predicts some trivial things that are related to usa, not the world. Who gives a damn about usa?!
The destroyer can't be Christ, because we are all Christ. Unless of course, that means that what we feel, we create. What we predict, we make manifest by the very thought of it. Be VERY careful where you go with that one...
When the monk reaches the state of enlightenment, and his most basic thought "I am" leads him perhaps to a conclusion that God is us, and we are all part of God. A collective consciousness that has the power to make things happen, does he shun this knowledge and never utter a word of it to another living soul, fearful of its naked simplicity and destructive capacity OR does go go forth in a state of Nirvana delighted with this final understanding but more guarded and careful because of this understanding?
Cagey 6r
webbot says: The web bot predicted a major event in relation to Las Vegas 65 days prior to 9/11 - when the terrorists were actually in Las Vegas. So does this mean Cheney and the zio'thugs were in Las Vegas ? I didn't think so !! I say webbot rubbish !!
Hi, I have read a few of the past reviews and found the program "Web Bot" and am running it. I have found a few disturbing things that have happened in 2013 and already in 2014 like heavy weather changes in '14. In 2013 it stated or reviewed the landscaping changes that came with heavy earthquakes and sinkholes that will transform cities and/or towns. Tornadoes like the one in Joplin,Mo. was another one, many other ones also caught my eyes. What really caught my eye though was the fact that the 112th or 114th Pope will be our last?
Good program, good reading and many disturbing thoughts, but as long as you believe in The Lord God Almighty through Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have no problem. Made my peace years ago. God Bless and Godspeed to you all!
I believe in the Book of Revelations telling me what is going to happen, not a computer bot/program. Especially Malachi. If you look it up, it'll tell you not only the number of the last Pope, but who the name is also. It also tells you what happens then and afterwards.
Heck, I predicted the stock market crash when GDubya was in, and back in 1989 also. That's why I invested in penny stocks. I lived in CA and felt several days before that there was going to be an earthquake of a sizeable magnitude, and it was. 7. something in Northridge,CA.
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