"Mirror, Mirror on the wall . . . where did he go, and why doesn't he call?"

Numerology Definitions: 111, 333, 1111

I don't know about you, but over the last two years, very specific number sequences seem to show up everywhere I look. And it never fails, I always seem to look at the clock at 1:11, 11:11 and 3:33. Just last year, I had a very eye opening experience when I began working on developing a post that was meant to be 100 inspirational quotes - but ended up being 111 inspirational quotes by cosmic design.

Here's a brief explanation of what had happened. I had arrived at 111 quotes total. Fleetingly, I considered cutting them down to 100. But then something "sparked" in my minds eye and I decided to research further first. The fact that I had a mental "spark" when first hearing that number resonated with me and I felt it necessary to pursue because I'm always attempting to be "aware." A quick search of the Internet gave way to quite a surprise.

The Symbolism Surrounding The Number 111

The number 111 is symbolic of the Trinity of God, One and Three times Saint. It represents the God-Father in the Holy Trinity and it also symbolizes sky.

As if that wasn't enough, further research yielded the information below. (The mention of a "flash bulb" was rather spooky for me considering I described my experience as a "spark". . . )

111: This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds.

The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form.

This is a sign used to indicate that your thoughts are related to the start of a new cycle in your life.

What you are thinking about doing or changing is correct for the new phase of your life. This number sequence signifies taking the lead in creative expression, and it also has connotations of social leadership in the sense of directing the energies of groups of people who resonate well with each other.

Shortly after the above event, I began to see 1111 everywhere. Shortly after that, I began to see the number sequence 333 everywhere. Ok, creepy enough yet?

It gets better. These random sightings of these very specific number sequences haven't gone unnoticed by me - and apparently, not by others either. You see, it appears that there's an "awakening" of sorts taking place in mankind and I can't help but wonder if it doesn't have something to do with the cosmic alignment of 2012.

There are theories that claim that the energy created by this rare alignment can actually affect the human inhabitants here on earth in some strange ways - one of which is it grants mankind the ability to "tune in" to the cosmos on a very collective level:

"Most of you know that the earth has got a magnetic field. As the earth's molten core is rotating; the magnetic field is created. The thought sphere of the human mind is located in the earth's magnetic field. This magnetic field has been weakening dramatically over last ten years.

Now, in physics there is a parameter called Schumann's Resonance. Using that we can determine the strength of the earth's magnetic field. While for many centuries, it was constant around 7.80 cycles per second, during the last 7-8 years, it has risen to 11 cycles per second and is continuing to increase dramatically. 

If you work it out mathematically, it appears that, by the year 2012, the "Schuman's" is likely to be 13 cycles per second. When this resonance is 13 cycles per second, the earth's core would stop rotating with magnetic field gone, your mind is gone. When I say "your mind", what I actually mean is your "samskaras."

It's an interesting theory and worth further exploration.

Here's A Bit About The Number Sequence 1111

"The winter solstice of 21-12-2012 marks the end of the Mayan Long Count cycle. This occurs at 11:11 universal time." ~ 2012 Rising: 1111 Phenomenon & Winter Solstice 21-12-2012

"These 11:11 wake-up calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the "trademark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 Spirit Guardians, or Angels, and the 11:11 prompt is their way of using our innate ability for pattern recognition to let us know that they are here. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real." ~ 1111 Spirit Guardians: Do You See 11:11?

"11:11 is a wake-up call for lightworkers. Lightworkers are people who signed up for a "green beret" type of mission when they were on the spirit plane ( before being incarnated on Earth). What the mission is, in short, is to hold as much Light as possible, as strongly as possible, on this planet.

This twenty year period (starting on January 11, 1991) will see matter holding more light than it has ever held before. The vibration on this planet has dropped to a very, very low frequency. That is why it is so difficult to remember our origin, remember that we are all connected, remember who we really are. This is often referred to as the Fall." ~ Great Dreams: Coincidence and 11:11

"11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality.

When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible.

You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation." ~ Global Psychics: The Meaning of 11:11

Let's Move Onto The Number 333

"This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic 'Yes!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have." ~ Spiritual Path: Numerology

"333 is the sign that the ascended masters are working closely with you. You have called on them and they have heard your prayer. If you are seeing this number repeatedly on clocks or license plates it is a sign that the the highest of beings are around you now." ~ Free Psychic Insight: 333 Numerology

"The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda." ~ Lightworkers: Number and Number Sequence Meanings

So what I'd like to know is . . . how many of you are experiencing the same thing and how long have you been experiencing it?

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Andrea said...

I have been seeing 11:11 in different forms for about 30 years. I have been looking for some kind of connection to the spiritual for almost as long. I am not seeing the 3's combination's though and I'm wondering what is next?

The Mirror of Aphrodite said...

I cannot answer as to what comes next, however, during my research on the Internet, I did notice that many others are finding these numbers by totaling other numbers.

For instance, rather than seeing 333, they might see 152 + 100 + 81 = 333.

Is it the divine or is it just simply man's tendency to look for patterns in nature? I don't have the answer, but it is thought provoking, no?

Anonymous said...

The title of this caught my eye because back in 2007//2008 the triple number sequences were haunting me even the job I had gotten at the time was building 3303.... haven't even read this yet and couldn't resist commenting first

The Mirror of Aphrodite said...

Oddly enough, 3 days after writing this I was preparing my taxes and guess what showed up in the final numbers? Yep, "111" was right there - AGAIN :-)

Anonymous said...

yup i'm 17 and have been recently been "awakened"
i see 333 (33) everywhere. everyday at least 5 times :)

peace be with all of you!
good luck!

i am here to shine light

Unknown said...

well when i got done reading this i look at the clock and it was 9:36 i got gooses bumps

Anonymous said...

and no s**t after i finished writting my 13 black roullette piece and posted when i next checked time on my laptop it was 13:11 lol. Just coincidences and the mindset we put ourselves in. Try opening yourselves up instead of chaining yourselves to beliefs which have no proof or facts behind them. Scientists and people in general stating theories of things which are not based on facts or evidence is jus as bad as religious zelots claiming we are nuts and they are right, and vice versa.

Anonymous said...

What so so bad in my 13 black roullette post that it could not get posted here? I thought it was very relevant to the conversation here. Obv. it's very hard to get away from censoreship even on sites like this where you would believe every opinion and belief would be allowed to be expressed openly and freely.

The Mirror of Aphrodite said...

Hello Anonymous,
I'm not into censorship, my friend. That should probably be obvious from my blog though LOL. Problem was, you left it on another post inadvertantly. (The Web Bot Project article I believe.)

It wasn't relevant to start discussing it there. (I didn't want to confuse readers.) I figured you'd notice and be back to leave it again - and you DID! You should've just gone ahead and reposted it here. Go ahead and discuss it here and I'll publish it, no problem at all.

The Mirror of Aphrodite said...

I will say this though . . . most "facts" begin as "theory" :-)

And just because your mind is open to exploring theories and pondering the "what if's" in life doesn't mean that anyone is chained to those beliefs. It just simply means that their mind is open is all. Too many people run around saying, "Prove it, prove it to me!" That mindset is very narrow and frankly, a bit egotistical of man. As if we deserve all the answers and know it all anyways? It's your brains attempt at forming logic is all.

There are things in life that we know happen, but cannot answer or "prove" why. Such as the blind slit test in quantum physics. We know sub atomic particles (of which we're all made of) can change from particle to wave form - but we cannot provide all of the answers as to "why" just yet. In that case, a theory became fact and we still don't know why. Just because we don't know, doesn't mean it doesn't happen though. Spiritualists have been teaching that for eons. They were mocked, mimicked and harassed endlessly over it. As it turns out, modern science has proven their theory - THEY WERE RIGHT.

The answers are not for us to know, we are simply a monkey with a brain. (Which is why we're always demanding proof.) We will NEVER be able to prove everything in our universe. It's called "faith" my friend :-) Some of us have it, some of us don't. We're not all required to have it, but it CAN help you many times in life. Many people have gotten through terrible situations simply by their faith. I will never give mine up. This universe is way to big for little ole' me to ever possess all the answers and "prove" it's miracles. But to each, his own :-)

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed." ~ Albert Einstein

Anonymous said...

i have seen these numbers also but mainly have ben consumed with three's sixes nines and twelves,constantly adding numbers til i come to a single number.It has ben a constant for just over five years

Anonymous said...

I have been experiencing the 1111 numbers for almost 3 years. Now I see 333 in addition to the 1's. Upon seeing the numbers I would always hold positive thoughts.

Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago I began waking up at exactly 3:33 AM 2-3 days per week. Roughly six months ago these number sequences began to show up every time I was looking at anything number related. Clocks, license plates, cash registers, etc. It happened several times a day solid for about two months. It was always 1:11, 3:33 or 4:44.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I am confused. Is it any three numbers in a row? For example, how is 444 relavent? I just dont understand, but I would like to.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing these all the time.. it started by 333, then 111 then 1111 then 222 then 444 then 555 .. i see them all the day...

Art/Graphic Designer said...

my birthday date was 30/03/1992

that makes 3/3/3 ;)

and indee di have contact with Jesus.

Anonymous said...

i do not know or understand the significance of these sequences of numbers that have plagued me for over five years now, but it all started after a significant change in the life i used to know. question is anyone else with similar experiences?

Anonymous said...

this is amazing. I didnt think anyone saw the number 333 like I did.

Anonymous said...

sometimes when I am asleep I wake for no reason,it used to be 3:33 all the time,now it is mostly 1:11 everywhere,11:01 10:11 or 11:10,sometimes the 3:33 ,now sometimes I am doing something and a voice says look at the clock now and I will prove we are here ,I try not to but I can't resist,it is 1:11, read hebrews 11:1 ,this makes sense to me,but I know there is so much more to it,I used to be in fear of this,now I accept it as god and angels and I have peace ,and happiness,I know I am protected

Anonymous said...

hello fellow 1:11 ers and 3:33 ers, I don't buy into this 12/21/2012 theory too much,maybe 111 is a date 1/01/01, a new begining,I am very worried about my birthday,april 13th,this is the day in 2029 the astroid apophis comes close to earth as predicted by nasa,then returns 7 years later on april 13th 2036,no one can say if it will hit us or not. I think nasa has plans to send Bruce Willis and those other bad actors up to save earth from a global killer

Anonymous said...

I have a very similar experience ever since 9/11 I've been noticing both morning and night almost every day I look at the clock and it's 9:11, please help, it's freaking me out linazgl@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I too have been seeing 11:11 and 12:12 a lot! For several years now. I always stop what I am doing and say a prayer.

Brit- said...

alright this is pretty crazy. "333 is the sign that the ascended masters are working closely with you" thats very very absurd! because last year right around halloween I had TWO out of body experiences. then after that I had a "manic episode" thats what the doctors called it, but to describe it pretty much I had a huge burst of energy and started seeing these visions, my family thought i was going crazy so i was hospitalized in the "psychiatric ward" that was around thanksgiving. Then right around christmas I had another spout like that but not as "crazy" as the one before but I SWEAR to god I kept on seeing 3's!!! everywhere and everything i did involved 3's. But even the strangest part, this girl named lesley, (which I still havent met her) but we became close friends through one of my friends and so on...but while it was around christmas she was the person I vented all these thoughts and visions too, and it turns out her birthday was 3/3/83 I swear on everything I have and know! And I told her I kept on seeing 3's!! its was really bizarre. And I really dont think I was going crazy at all while all of this was happening but it was more of a spiritual awakening within myself, I dont know i cant explain it, and I havent had anything happen to me like that since, but I do have a new outlook on everything, It was like I started asking myself questions about life and all the things I fear and the answers kind of just came to me after I had the out of body experience, but anyways I just thought I would share that experience with you guys because I think its a pretty interesting story. Love light and balace to all who need it!

Anonymous said...

Me too - I've been seeing 111, 1111, 333, and 444 at times for years. Usually it's 1111 most often. I can be completely engrossed in something when I feel the need to look at the clock and sure enough, it's 11:11. I see other numbers as well, although they seem to be more random, I still take them as some kind of sign: 621 and 1221 have been recurring numbers for me as well.

Anonymous said...

I too have been exposed to these numbers repeatedly. It's exactly as you say. How lucky we are to be going through this. thanks for posting this I have searched alot of sites trying to get a handle on what these numbers mean. your explanation hits home. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing 9:11 now for 3+ years. When I happen to check the time that happens. I have no clue why.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing 333 for months now, exactly after I prayed for a turning point in life; now 1111 has joined in

Anonymous said...

I have noticed for the past four days that I have seen the numbers 333. I check the clock at work and the time was 3:33pm which happened on Thursday, then Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning I have woken in the middle of the night and looked to see what time it was and it has said 3:33am.. After several times seeing this I started to look up research..

Anonymous said...

I've been experiencing the 333 for more than 2 years already n its happening a lot again but also 444 n very lately 555 , 333 was a number I started liking 5 years ago for no reason I just got the idea in my mind that I should relate to that number n after a while I forgot about it but I liked number 3 itself then 2 years ago when I started feeling more spiritual it started showing up as long with many different weird drawings I started doing n even in dreams I started seeing numbers

Anonymous said...

I see them both, 11:11 and 3:33. All the time, everywhere. I dont understand it. Its becoming more frequent. At first I only saw 333, then recently I began to see 1111 as well. Today, I saw it twice and last night I saw it on my phone after I ended a conversation of 11 minutes and 11 seconds.

Anonymous said...

just as u explained - happened and happening to me. i really appreciate your research and opening up these doors of understanding very very much. personally, much inner turmoil,,, feeling of being lost b.c of confusion. - dreams that i want to make happen and have always wanted to and trying so hard - despite perseverance and discipline and yep... patience... still feeling lost to my goals. goals of spreading open-mindedness and oneness - goals of my freely expressing myself in certain artistic ways. i believe in the ancient masters - and i acknowledge them - everyday - i view this time as a real training period - with a lot of positive change happening inside - despite what may be happening on the outside. others dont see as well as you just how much strength is building within you sometimes - but it is... and yes - you are not alone - your every moment of walking forward is not going in vain. its a positive time - 2012 is a wonderful time - peace and blessings.

Anonymous said...

i have been seeing this for a while and as long as i can remember I have had the gift of knolegde wich turns out to be messages from spirit gardians. i have always known that i came here to change the world. Wright know I'm 19 and i know even though I've done allot it hasn't even begun. i have always felt like a sacrifice to humanity some times lonely but I am strong thats why i am a lightworker

Anonymous said...

I seriously see it all the time. It's been this way for the past..I'd say six/eight months or so. I became fascinated when it began happening to a friend of mine who, unlike me, had no interest at first in researching what it could mean. I did so instead and one day, it began at me too. The power of suggestion was my first thought, except that doesn't seem to explain it. Digital clocks are just one way I see it. It's addresses, license plates, amounts, codes...I've even had one person say the number to me, randomly. She acted confused afterwards. I'd really like to talk to more people this is happening to. Combining our thoughts might help us to better understand.

Anonymous said...

I started to see the numbers 1:11 or 11:11 while I was pregnant with my first child. Her fathers birthday is on 1/11/86.. i just had a feeling that the 1:11 had something to do with my unborn daughter.. well sure enough my water broke on 1/11/10 but she did not arrive until 1:03am on 1/12/10 but since then i am still seeing 1:11 and 11:11 or 3:33 whenever i glance at a clock..it happens daily now and im getting kind of tired of it.. why cant someone tell me what it means so i can quit wondering!!!

Anonymous said...

i see 222 all the time

virgosaba said...

I have been seeing numbers (1-9) in threes for more than two years. Since June-July of 2008. For example I will see the time 1:11 p.m. on my phone, get a text message that arrived at 3:33 p.m., pass by a building that is numbered 888, a license plate will have numbers that begin in sequence or end in sequence: 222, If I type an e-mail and glance at the time it says 4:44..... ????, see a phone number that ends in 777 or has and area code of 666. Just last night I was in the Borders store with one of my friends looking through a destiny astrology book and the first page I open up to is 555. I have been very curious about the numbers that come in threes. before I would shout it out to whomever I was accompanied with, but now I am used to it. I still mention it to others, but just don't make it a big deal because others do not think it is; however, I know it is a sign of something.
One thing I would like to point out is that in the movie "Fourth Kind", that came out last year 2009, there are clips of time that show 3:33 a.m. for example. I feel the movie had some relation to time. Obviously I was exposed to those three number in a row too.
Someone told me that it is good luck to see numbers in a row. So now whenever I see repeated numbers I make a wish, whenever I remember :)

Anonymous said...

11;11 and 111 222 333 444 and 1024 1212 1010 1234 etc come and go with me often i hope its a good thing I pray sometimes its not a daily thing but weird used to waken also at 111 am or 333 am not for a while though will it get stronger as 1 1 2011 gets here will something happen that day? or 11 11 2011? ITS NOT REAL STRONG RIGHT NOW I WONDER WHY? ANY ANSWERS?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11;11 bad or good?

Anonymous said...

I woke up At 333 am today. I see 111 and 1111 all the time. I don't understand why but my intuition tells me that there's meaning. I don't understand behind it. Im a very attentive and aware person. Im very sensitive as well. I want to understand.

Anonymous said...

When you are drawn to look at clocks and see 11 in various permutations, thats your spirit guides and/or angels giving you a nudge. They are constrained in what they can directly do by universal law, but they CAN nudge you in this and other very subtle ways. When you are seeing 11 and 12 constantly, its quite amazing, its been happening to me for the past year or so. I take it to mean I need to wake up, pay attention and be ready for transformation!!

Anonymous said...

my name is Erin. I was born on july 23 1981 at the exact stroke of midnight. So i am exactly split center of leo and cancer, fire and water. my life path number is 111 according to my birthday, along with the number 888,000, 613,173,207,346,414,27, and 555. All my life ive been a psychic/medium. and i believe much more than just this. i have crossed paths with so many different people in life and realized long ago that i have an incredible ability or gift, to heal people with a touch. i have always seemed to know the truth of things. the truth of people, the world, anything. i only speak truthfully and honestly. i always speak with courage and conviction. i have always privately yet undoubtedly believed since i was a child that i was going to spend my life bringing light and faith to anyone and everyone i could. i have been told that i am an angel of god, a messiah and protector. ???

Anonymous said...

Erin here again. cont... i see the numbers 111,1111,222,333,444,555 every day, all my life, and i wake up almost evry night, several times at these exact times. i see spirits clearly and communicate with them. i also see demons, shadow figures, and other things that i have no name or explanation for. yet like other psychics
/mediums, i am not afraid or intimidated at all. the moment they make eye contact with me, and realize i see them, they become extremely agitated, then afraid, even terrified. they cower in my presence and do anything they can to run and hidefrom me. i have always known that there was something so much more than i could ever understand about my life, something divine. i walk in faith every day of life. always have. yet religion means nothing to me. only Elohim (God). i have always had dreams and visions of the world to come.im clairvoyant but i do not like to view the future bcuz it always seems so confusing. but one thing ive always seen since childhood; is that of a great healing to the world, and i am the one to bring it. and every day i see 1111. is this weird/??? im not crazy, i promise you.

Anonymous said...

i have been seeing the number 666 and then a day or two later the numbers 333 appear to me i see these numbers in the mostly at work when i price something or on my customers or my receipts i know i'm being sent a message i just don't know what it is how can find out

Unknown said...

Myself and my fellow brothers of Noah months ago created a social family called the Moon Eyes Align. I know of the number three being the number that represents the holy trinity and being that the mark of the beast is represented by 666 we accepted 333 as our number of practice through Luminari Science.

Before accepting this number all 2 of my brothers and myself were seeing 333 we also found a restaurant in the area called Three Thirty Three ( how ironic ) . Our teachings are that of love and through love we can change our world by not Enlightening which blinds with its glare but through alignment to the GOD energy we all stem from

Anonymous said...

I'm a little weirded out by reading all this. I've been experiencing seeing numbers 1:11 or 11:11 everywhere! A couple of months ago when it started , I simply thought it was mere coincidence. Not anymore. I see them ALL the time. It's a little freaky. I would love to know exactly why this is happening. I automatically find myself think of something wonderful , even magical when it happens. The only person I was sharing this with was my twin sister because I didn't want anyone thinking I was losing it, she understands me. I get wicked chills when I see those numbers now. (???) My question is to all of you......Has anything GREAT happened to any of you after seeing 1:11 or 11:11, has your life changed....at all?

Anonymous said...

My name is zetty i have been experiencing the numbers 333 for nearly 10 years. I dont know where the fascination came from but i have always believed that 333 will guide me through my life. I wake up alot at night and when i look at the clock its always 3:30 to 3:33 kinda strange i believe that all of our energy is released during sleep to wonder spiritually if that makes any sense. I tend to have some psychic abilties over the years too. Its cool to see that there are other people who have the same visions, maybe we r the choosen ones lol. You can find me on facebook richard zetty i think it would be cool to chat with someone with the same fascinations.

Anonymous said...

Hello my name is Mark, I am a Reiki teacher and have been seeing these sequences for a long time.. I have been consciously noticing the sequences for the past 3-5 years. I have always seen the universe as one big computer program and the sequences as code which repeats faster and faster as we near the end of the cycle. It wasn't until today that i suddenly had the urge to put the sequences i had seen today in google and see what came up ... which of course brought me here and i am pleased that so many people are awakening to this :) thanks for the help in understanding this.

Anonymous said...

I just recently googled these numbers, I am seeing them often, after seeing 555 for years.
111, 333, 111, 444 and 777. Wondering what these all mean? I see on the web site 111, 333 what are the other numbers? Puzzled, learning ?

Anonymous said...

I was about to make a snide remark on this post until I looked at the time to try prove to myself that this was BS.

It was 3:33

However wierd that is...what does it mean? Interesting facts are useless unless they point to a relevant truth.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing the number sequences for 10 years. I've noticed that it comes and goes in other words I'm more sensitive to it at different times. I've unfortunately assigned it in my mind as a warning. When Evil is prowling for me or danger is prevalent. It feels intuitively as though it a communication from the invisible world. I was really amazed to find I wasn't alone in this because it feels like my private reality which it occurs in. Maybe a tear in the existential fabric of reality? I challenge all who read this to instead of allowing it to happen randomly try to focus on making it occur! It will vanish. The question is are you causing it to happen or is it something that is happening to you? May all who have this affliction find solice and peace.

Anonymous said...

Last few days to a week but i have also been seeing 444 and 4444. 4444 first caughtmy attention but so did 444. especially when i wne to get change at the store and gave a 10 for 4.44 5.56, or vice versa but the numbers were there and had just started appearing the previous night and still do somewhat. I always had particular numbers I selected for myself but those never caught my attention much and i heard it recently once as well, i think last night, but that's rare, happens once in a while though. Lady on the news said the time. That's what it was.

Unknown said...

Hey my names jack Pollard. My mom was born march 4, my dad march 13, I was born 3/17/1993.4+13 is 17. The other night at about 3:33 I realized that 3+1+7+1+9+9+3 is 33, I have always felt like I was put here for some higher purpose than I'm serving right now and I've always felt like I was capable of anything I imagine but these thoughts have always been conflicted by fear of losing control over my ego and losing my grip on reality, any reflection you can give me on that?

Anonymous said...

My birthday is 11-11. This year it will be: 11-11-11. Any meaning in that for me do you think.

Anonymous said...

Hey. I was born 10.01.1981 which is 1.1.1 My name number (name+surname) is 1 as well...
1111 describe me . is that mean anything?

Laura said...

It all started for me on 12/24/07. My husband and I stood in our doorway threshold and similtaniously heard the radio go off and my piano note of middle "c" play. We were then off to visit relatives. A few months after this incident, I started seeing 11:11. This started in the first part of 2008. Since that time my life has changed drastically. My husband even entered my room while i was meditating and took a photo. This photo shows a spirit in shawdow form. It is unbelievable! You can see a women in a dress, her face, indentions of her eye, hair, hands, fingers, (thumb is same length as all fingers) and the folds in her garmet. I still see 11:11, 1:01, 10:01, etc. every day and now I have started to see 333. I also have notice 7:17 which was the time I was born. Funny thing is, I am catholic. I have had no formal training in any metaphysical area. I had to go on line and type in the search engine all my expierences. I asked my angel today why I do not have anyone around me to talk to about this. The answer came quickly. "because we want to teach you." I have done a lot of research on line and believe this all to truth.

Anonymous said...

this just proved 2 me im not realy just a spunyun that thought i waz crazy seeing numbrz daily its alwayz 3z i startd seeing 3z the day aftr i meet my wife n alwayz wonderd why i watched time standstill n 2 people turn in to one n connect with the earth n shit go crazy for hourz n hourz like a time warp alwayz felt lik i waz on a mission now i know i am on that mission Sparkle33 GDF

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, really cool page and useful information, thank you!
For at least 2-3 years I've been seing a lot of 11:11, 13:13 and 13:10 (and Oct. 13th is my birthday!)
Last night I read the whole page, really tired as it was late, then finished the reading and looked at the computer time....2:22, smiled and went to bed!!
wish you all a great year, take care and do your best : ) with love and gratitude, arianna

Anonymous said...

this might be weird but if you take your age you will be on your birthday in 2011 and the the last two digits of the year you were born, it adds up to 111. (example - I will turn 36 this year and I was born in 75. If i take 36 and add it to 75 it equals 111. Everyone who does this will come out to the same number. 111. Weird.

Anonymous said...

Great Information.....I have been seeing the sequence of numbers...1:11,11:11.2;22,3:33,4:44,5:55 since the early 90's and always wondered what it meant...thank yuo

smith primm said...

I have been seeing the 11:11 since my teens. I am 50 as of 12/26/2010. I used to wake up at 3:33 and write my dreams whaen I was a teenager. I have seen many repeating numbers a lot over the years. 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55. 1:11. But mostly 11:11 and 3:33. I have been writing a journal now for over 3 years since my wife passed away suddenly. I have also purchased the Akashic Construct and am begining to work on it. I wake up often at night and often see the numbers. One of my journals was entirely about The Gate. Not sure yet what it is. But I have experienced it somehow and in different ways. I am actively seeking answer from God. I want to be part of and create the higher Good in this life and beyond.

maggie said...

I have been seeing 11:11 for years and when I joined the Army,the person who became my best friend is also an 11:11 person. I had a job awhile back and a co=worker was walking by and I heard him say "oh its 11:11"and then quickly looked around realizing he said it out loud. I laughed and sais, oh you;re an 11:11 person too?He was a bit shocked and I told that yes, there appears to be a group of us 11:11 people, not sure what we are meant to do with it, but we are definiteli not alone. I kinda like it, I smile every time i see it.The receptionist at my doctors office gave me a card for a f/u appt and I busrt out laughing when I read(honest)11/11/11 @11:11am-definitely keep that in my special items box. I wonder if I will ever know what it means-I am definitely a warrior type,I know my friend would be too if I am.After this had been happening for 10 years or so, I had someone try to do an elements reading on me the day before an appointment and of the four elements,she only got fire from me and was very bothered by that, in all her years she had never encountered someone that didnt have parts of each to be balanced, or so she would know what to work on to help with balance.
So nice to know there are many more 11:11 people out there. Where and how will we meet?

maggie said...

Maggie also wonders if any 11:11 are vivid dreamers-I can remember dreams from years ago. I dream in very,very detailed dreams and no matter how many times I wake up, I go right back to the spot in the dream and have kept it going around 10-12 hours. Its at the time I wake up from a dream I know I probably wont go back,If I just stay still I can get a sort of "dream dump" where I just see one piece of 10-20 dreams and from one"snapshot"I could recount them.Is this an 11:11 thing or something else?

Anonymous said...

I dreamed a few weeks ago with 333
were below 333 1111111

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing repeating numbers for over 20 years. First it was 12:21 on the clock, then it became 6:21 on the clock. Summer/Winter Solstice numbers! I see 11:11, 1:11, and 3:33 constantly as well. In fact, my partner and I both woke up one morning to look at the clock at the exact same time and it was 3:33.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing 11:11 now for weeks. As well as 3:33. It was really perplexing me. I googled numerology 333 and found this page. Thanks for putting this information out there. This is exactly what I needed to see. There are definitely some interesting things going on.

Anonymous said...

I have been noticing these numbers for years. Usually 4:44, which I am afraid of for some reason (I seem to notice that sequence right before something bad happens, and I've related negative with 444), but also 3:33 (which I deem positive) and 1:11, too.

I have been wondering why I continually notice these numbers for years. Glad I'm not the only one!

Anonymous said...

what if you're constantly seeing 1's,2's&4's everywhere??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if I see all the nombers, what does it mean?
I see 11:11 22:22 23:23 00:00 16:16 17:17 18:18
15:15 12:12 13:13 ...

Anonymous said...

For as long as I can remember...I wake at night at 3:33 a.m....

Anonymous said...

I see the 1:11 3:33 and also 12:12 a lot. I'm listening!! :)

Unknown said...

I thought I was the only person expieriencing the 333.....3:33am.....333 leads bacc to the end of the world.....and I'm blacc...this ain't fun...them numbers have haunted me from the day I Made a song about death that was 3 minutesvand 33 seconds long.....WHY?

Anonymous said...

Wow I didn't know there were sooooo many people who saw these numbers. I thought it was co-incidence when I saw 11:11, 12:34, 4:44 so often. This is a bit freaky now that I'm reading what all of you are saying.

Anonymous said...

Schizophrenia is obviously running rampant. Way too much fluoride and pharma-chems in the water supply. Ideas of reference, folks!

Anonymous said...

my ex and i have used 111 for him and 333 for me when we used text messages for 15 years. i see 333 all the time though. very enlightening!!

Anonymous said...

I used to always wake up at 3:33 am then go back to sleep. My wife thought I was wierd. My wife and I prayed for a house one day. And after years of feeling this would be hopeless we were finaly givin the opourtunity to own a home. The adress 111. And when I signed up for phone service we kept getting harassing calls for the previous owner of that number. I called the to have the number changed to one not used before. And was given a number that ended in 0111. And before we read this my wife and I was talking about how we always see 111.

Anonymous said...

I began seeing 111 in more contexts, times, etc. than I could possibly count, and began to see it was not coincidence. It began simultaneous to and independent of my best friend growing up. I have always known it to have a spiritual, prophetic significance. Back in the late 80's, I came across a book on prophecy that included theomatics. In the book, 111 represented 'Jesus Christ'. Most know about 666, 6 being the number of 'man', 7 being God, completion or perfection. 666+111= 777. So it makes sense that Jesus would be 111, being a bridge of grace to the Father. My best friend back in the 80's got to talking to a Satanist, and he said 111 was 'the fools number'. When my friend told me this, it initially troubled me, then I realized, a Satanist would indeed say such a thing. 111 has always brought comfort to me- I am a Christian and a minister. We live in a time where we have entered a vortex of sorts, and there is much spiritual static in the heavenlies, in our world, etc. Pray for discernment, because deception is rampant. Even Satan quoted the very Word of God to Jesus when He was being tempted in the desert.

Anonymous said...

11th November 2011 at precisely 11 seconds past 11:00 am............... "WATCH THIS SPACE!" :-(

Anonymous said...

I began seeing 111 in more contexts, times, etc. than I could possibly count, and began to see it was not coincidence. It began simultaneous to and independent of my best friend growing up. I have always known it to have a spiritual, prophetic significance. Back in the late 80's, I came across a book on prophecy that included theomatics. In the book, 111 represented 'Jesus Christ'. Most know about 666, 6 being the number of 'man', 7 being God, completion or perfection. 666+111= 777. So it makes sense that Jesus would be 111, being a bridge of grace to the Father. My best friend back in the 80's got to talking to a Satanist, and he said 111 was 'the fools number'. When my friend told me this, it initially troubled me, then I realized, a Satanist would indeed say such a thing. 111 has always brought comfort to me- I am a Christian and a minister. We live in a time where we have entered a vortex of sorts, and there is much spiritual static in the heavenlies, in our world, etc. Pray for discernment, because deception is rampant. Even Satan quoted the very Word of God to Jesus when He was being tempted in the desert.
September 11, 2011 11:00 AM

Good time to post ;)

Been seeing 111's for a while now, am on the right track, one morning before the 111's i woke up and the alarm clock was stuck on 6:66, this was especially freaky as the second digit shouldn't be able to be a six, and if it was freaking out why wouldn't it be 888 as this uses all the little led lights like, i had to unplug it to reset it. Was a good signpost for me, as suttle as a sledgehammer, but it needed to be :)

Anonymous said...

11:11 is comming some will form powers new senses almost like a jedi there are others that will use it in anger and in time will become new anti christs, some will fade out because there body will not be able to take the change, most will feel it but wont be able to use it, the new leaders will arise everything will change 11:11

Anonymous said...

My mom passed away on Oct 3, 2011 and every day since I wake up at exactly 3:33 a.m. I have been all over the internet searching for a significance. Does anyone have any insight?

Anonymous said...

I am online researching why, in the past few months, I notice the clock at 222, 555 or 111 (sequense of threes or 10:10, 12:12. I asked my sis and she believes it is good luck.

Anonymous said...

We are a universal ocean of numbers. Chances are you "see" thousands of numbers every day, but with a fixation on particular numbers, you will start {noticing} them more and more often, reinforcing the fixation. Basic psychology, no?

My fixation: 9:11. I always notice that time at least once a month. Of all the times to notice, that would be less than random. BUT how many more times did I fail to notice an 8:11, or a 3:33.. ? They weren't my fixation...

That having been said. I am somewhat psychic, but I do have to dismiss some of this numerology focus. Much of it is likely coincidence and "focus" getting the best of us I feel.

I am guilty of it too. I too have from time to time, a "Beautiful Mind"

Cagey 6r

Anonymous said...

my 1111, 111, and 333's have been happening for a couple years at first I thought I was just reading too much into it, but it became more and more obvious when nearly everything I would buy would total up to all the same numbers. For example, when filling my tank the pump often stops at $33.33. I usually happen to see 11:11 on the clock twice a day, and just about everyday I somehow clock out on the time clock at 3:33. At one point I started to think I was going crazy, so I started posting pics on my FB page of my reciepts and do forth. Also, while at this point I am going crazy wishing I knew exactly what my spirit guides are trying to tell me, my friends would also like to know because its become clear its not just coincidence.

Anonymous said...

I see also the 1`s and 3`s combinations about 6-7 times a week ... it`s strange .. too strange the thing is i don`t believe in numerology or spirits ... but i don`t believe in coincidences it`s too strange . this numbers started to show up when i started to work in another country ... and what is weird is that more and more people are starting too see this numbers

kristinaellis said...

I was born on August 11 with my north and south nodes at 11degrees and my ascendant at 22degrees. Elevens have always been a part of my life but in around 2006 I started to see them constantly, everywhere. I still am and now often when I see them I will also hear them, as in a TV broadcast or radio. I've also
started to see 333's and other double and triple numbers. As a bizarre example, while reading this article, the particular part regarding 333, the TV show in the background mentioned meeting some one at 3:33pm! I feel more expentant and anticipatory than I ever have, and I have always felt as if I was waiting for something all my life

Konig.polo said...

i am seeing 2 and 3 everywhere so 23too (2 and 3 are my favourite numbers) my birthday date 30.7.1994 3-7=23 1+9+9+4=23 21.12.2012 21+12=33 12+20=32,... i can combine everything and i still see 2,3,23,32,22 or 33when i started reading this it was 22:32 so idk my girlfriend birthday date 15.7.1994 15+7=22 1+9+9+4=23 i have opened book on table lol pages 292-293 if u delete 9 22-23on table i have game Diablo 2 than cointains 3cd´s :D so 2-3 or 23 today is 9.12.2011 9+12+11= 32 and 20<- zero can be nothing so "2" or i have made total 3sum in last exaple so it can be 2 and 3 or 23 again ;D on my BS player-> playing song right now at 2:32 so its interesting ;)

Arun said...

Hi i am really amazed these many number of peoples already having my experience. Since the past three years myself also seeing these relevant number patterns like mirror numbers. Either in my cell phone as a time or just noticing number plates these things are changed even i shared these things to my family and friends. Even i place bets on these things surely happens today and i won all the times. I don't know why these things are happens...

I am seeing them not intentionally every thing happens accidentally like with out expecting i see them.

some day i thought hey i missed 10.01 but some late delivery messages shows this 10.01 as the time of sent time some times with a content of sorry. :)

I don't know you any gifted soul can able to clear this to me. Any one reach me through this mail: arunvsarn@gmail.com

my mirror patterns:


mostly is 10.01

Anonymous said...

I felt an urge to do a google search on numerology 1111 and have been reading all the comments. Some comments are from skeptics. Most are from those who are experiencing the same thing I am. For several years, I've been seeing the numbers 111 and 1111...not everyday, but way too often. My alarm clock is set for 12:30, but has been going off at 11:11pm for the past couple of months. What's even stranger is this happens when my alarm is off. I've been aware that something is trying to communicate with me, and decided to research the subject for the first time. I'm going with the theory that when that time is made known to me, I should be connecting in some way. Well, got some thinking to do on this subject. Peace to all.

Anonymous said...

i started seeing 3:33 for a few days now.

CloudNizzleNine said...

I see the 212 alot and some say its in my head but those numbers come to me as in my address my birthday my pins from the bank the ones that are already chosen for you stiff like that, time of course , um I've had amount totals, video game scores video game ammo its nuts, the people around me are starting to notice it for me as well, still i have no explaination to it ,.. any one??

Anonymous said...

I recently have been researching man phycological disorders and have had my doubts about, life, god, and mankind. I have known for a while about 1111 and such. Me and my girlfriend always see the clock at 1111 and I knew that it was something important. But recently have been dealing with doubting god. I was in my shower thismorning and I said to myself " fuck everything I know and am thinking becuse there is a bigger picture" then I decide I'm done doubting god becuse its more than me and I said now I truly beloved . I took a step out of my shower and looked at my phone .111 on my clock .. keep up the fight and hold as much light as you can even if it hurts at times . We are only human

Anonymous said...

yes, I've been seeing 11:11 or 01:11 for years. I see the 3:33, but not as often as the 111's. At first I thought it was odd, but then noticed with time, that the 111's were associated with good or happy events. I'll have to pay more attention to the 333's.

Anonymous said...

I read some of the posts on here this morning.

I have been seeing 11:11 for quite sometime and also double digits in general, and 9/11.

I noticed the posts about 3.33 this morning and thought that it was interesting as I had not seen / noticed that one, I also thought to myself that I have not seen 11:11 for a while.

Right after reading the posts I checked the gold price as I have some small investments in precious metals - what I seen amazed me and has to be more than a co-incidence:-

The dollar price for gold had gone up $11:11 and at the same time the GB pound proce had went up £3:33.

I took a screen dump on my phone if anyone wants proof.

I think all these numbers are letting you know 2 things:-

1. You are not alone there is something bigger.

2. You are on the right path, I notice I get many double digits when I am focused on something positive and worthwhile.

Love George


Soire said...

I have been seeing 333 for too many years to count. Have always wanted to know if others had the same experience. It's been years since I tried to search on the subject and now I just happen upon it!

Anonymous said...

Uggghhhhhhh. . . only if you guys knew what I'm going through. . . some serious garbage. lately Ive been seeing 111 a lot for awhile, an now strictly seeing 333 a lot. an I'm nearng the ending of my very screwed up garbage situation which has consumed my mind an destroyed who i originally was.

Anonymous said...

I have had 333 in my life since my back surgery 5 years ago. If I don't wake up at 333 am, I see it on products, license plates, telephone numbers. I am one of 3 siblings, my father has 3 sisters and 3 brothers, I have 2 newphews and 1 neice. My list could go on and on, but I have one special 3. My Grandmother used to sign all her letters to me:


But looking back I see I have the number all around me. Today I used my GPS in my car as I was heading home from a place I never traveled from...and it said my destination was 333.

I welcome this incredible gift.

Anonymous said...

So,"WHAT" is it, i see it ( 1010,1111, 333, and 555 ) all the time ??? Is it good , bad ,???

Andrea said...

I'm a recent university grad now looking for a job.. just met the girl of my dreams and now i feel ready to get a full-time job and dedicate myself to building something positive for the future. and for a few days now, every time i look at the clock i see 11:11; yesterday for the first time in years i went to church and now i'm seeing 1:11. what does it mean? big changes are on the way?

Anonymous said...

Be careful, because if you run across 111 followed by 444 that means you only have 4hours and 44mins to live. Be very carefulllll.

The Mirror of Aphrodite said...

Just for the record, I make no claims to be a numerologist. I've simply shared my experience here is all and I encourage others to do so via this discussion.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing 1111 for about ten years now. In the past few years I see all sorts of triple digits. If I purchase ANYTHING, the total is usually a triple digit, to which the sales person says, "I don't see that often, wow". In my head I just say, of course that is the total. - Patrick

NeeseeDO said...

i have been awoken for the past 17 years to the time of 3:33 am and always wondered why i would be drawen to go outside even in the winter snow. Then last year the 111 began to hit me. I broke my arm at 11:11 in the morning on January, 11, 2011. and was admitted into the hospital at 1:11pm. ever since then i see ome combination of 1 or 3 or numbers that ad to 1 to 3. I have always been called to spiritual matters and have connection with all things. But when on 11/1/2011 i dreamt of a light warming and shining from within me and out to all around me with peace and love. calling out sor all to come together surrienduring the powers that be. i awoke at 3:13 at total peace and with knowing i was not alone and now know i am one of light. Blessed be all, seek out the truth and you shall find it, for it is already trying to tell you the answer.

Anonymous said...

For about a year now I have been getting a number repeatedly, several times a day, liscense plate everytime I look at a clock, numbers at work that I have to add it is always 420. I cannot even begin to explain how many times this comes up a day and as the days go by it happens more and more frequently. I have tried to match it to something in my life but have come up empty on it. I can feel and know it means something I just dont know what. I googled the number with the word earthquake and it turns out that 420 people died in the earthquake in Iran, the tsunami in japan was 420 km long and the quake in indonesia happened 420 km south of capital. I think it probably means something but havent found the exact pinpoint. Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Folks, I don't think us seeing these numbers has a thing in the world to do with numerology...I think it is exclusively spirituality. I see these numbers not 6 or 7 times a week, but 20 or 30 times a day! As I write it is 1:11! Been seeing alot of 33,333,44,444, and 11:11 lately!

Anonymous said...

I tend to see alot of 1111, 333,444 usually at turning points in my life as I enter a new phase. so for about the last decade at key points in my life. One should try to focus on what they are thinking when they see these numbers. It helps with decernment when you need to make a decision. Also what one is feeling at the time not always a thought communication. I tend to feel a higher power is assisting me in my life changes and to pay attention to subtlety as it will help from make a poor decision. Its different for everyone but that is how it works for me. Mostly they give you peace and love, and those are the best forces of the universe to utilize. Also it is all you need to help you through a dark time. Peace and love to you all may the path become clear in times of trouble.

Namarie :D

Anonymous said...

It's been about a year now and i see 111 and 333 often. I even wake up in the middle of the night and I KNOW THAT WHEN I LOOK OVER AT THE CLOCK IT WILL BE 1:11 or 3:33. Even in the afternoons, i am visiting relatives and get up and say let me see what time it is cause i have to get going and the clock in the kitchen as i walk in says 3:33.

Anonymous said...

Well obviously I googled this to find out and I know I'm not alone. 11:11 almost daily. Or 11:12, lately

Anonymous said...

The numbers 11:11 are when the universe takes a 'snapshot' of your thoughts, emotions, deeds, outlook on life, etc. It is part of your spiritual growth. It is a gateway as well. It activates codes within to get you to awaken to your spiritual nature. 11 is a Master number.

Anonymous said...

Several times a week I will wake up to 3:33am, not sure why, I've asked God to speak to me if there is something I need to do or know. This has been going on all year.

Anonymous said...

Im 15 nd I see it when I study greatly, or when realization hits me, 333 was my last locker num. I also see it when thinking bout all of you, "people who truly see the sequences" not fanatical researchers, on something that has nothing to do with them.

Unknown said...

Im 15 and i am Khmer and been seeing 333,555,666,777,888,999,222,111,000 all of them but the most 4 top seen almost daily is 333,555,777,222,111....sometimes 888 not much 666 and 000 only seen it 2 twice.........No Freakin lies i seen all these numbers this year....

Unknown said...

111,222,333,444,555,777 are my official most seen numbers....

Katelyn said...


I am sacha
I have been seeing 111, 333 and 222 for the last 3 years now. It is increasing all the time and becoming more frequent. it is very strange that so many people are seeing this all the time.

Anonymous said...

When I was much younger... about 8 years old... I was facing some very dark times. I had already seen what I described as God to my mom in a dream when I was about 3, so l had believed there must be a higher power out there to assist me through dark times.
For the first time in my life, when I was 8 years old, I kneeled beside my bed and prayed. I felt like I didn't know how. But I gave it my best shot. And the only thing I asked for, till this day, was any kind of sign to point me into the right direction.

About 4 years ago when I was 17 I started to see a series of the digit one everywhere, which I thought was funny, since my birthday is 1/11. Until this day I have seen a series of the number 1 in many places when I have arrived at a crossroads. From price tags to the amount my salad weighed at the supermarket. Even a guy that I mistook for the love of my life- his birthday was also 1/11. And it always appears when I'm thinking of the right choice.
As though a confirmation, pointing me in the right direction..

Reading this about the number 111 today enlighted me as to why its been happening.

But I think the most frightening part that took my breath away is that my birthday is January 11th 1991.


MIKE S. said...


Anonymous said...

It started the same way for me. Its really weird but Im so used to it now i expect it. Im what they call awakened also. I see the world through all its lies.

Anonymous said...

For months I would awake to 3:33 and wrote it off as nothing ever happened. Then it quit for a couple years. Now, I awake at 11:11, then 3:33 has come back, and I now notice 5:55 every day. Last night it was 1:11 and 3:33, and I made a phone call this morning at 5:55. Have no idea why this is happening, but it is nice to see I'm not alone and losing my mind. It would be nice to understand why. Could it all be inner clock and pure coincidence? No one here has really answered. I am retired so I go to bed at different times, but still wake up to these times. Just really strange.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As a lightworker, I am also finding 1111 and 333 everywhere I look. Even my house number was just recently changed to 1111.

Anonymous said...

IN HOLY KNOWLEDGE BY GODS GRACE 333 by revelation this 2012 year.
Thomas Aquinas a great medieval theologian known as the ‘Angelic Doctor’ for his foremost angel writings,his book‘Summa Theologica’. St.Aquinas believed angels idea illuminate our minds.Quoting Scripture,he named 9 orders of angels in 333 (3 x 3) groups:highest 3 hierarchy next to God,Seraph- pl. Seraphim the fiery,burning ones have 6 eye-covered wings & they say ”Holy, holy,holy is the Lord Almighty;the whole earth is full of his glory”(Isaiah6:2), Cherub- pl.Cherubim have 4 eye-covered wings & flaming swords (Gen.3:24) & Thrones (Colossians 1:16); the middle 3 hierarchy involved in government, Dominions- pl. Dominations (Colossians 1:16), Virtues (1Peter 3:22), & Powers (Colossians1:16); the third 3 hierarchy are workers, Principalities (Colossians1:16), Archangels (1Thessalonians 4:16), & Angels.

Deadly Bible Warning-Let not angels contradict/change bible‘word’ i.e. say a different gospel/new book,see (Galatians1:8)(The Bible is God’s Angel Truth)
Galatians 1:8
New International Version (NIV) the apostles said this curse
1:8 - But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

Anonymous said...

This week I have looked at the clock and seen 3:33 four times. I felt as if I was being beckoned. I have had spiritual moments in past, and I definitely feel this is one. I will look for further information on these numbers.

Anonymous said...

been seeing the 1111 for a couple years and drawn to it that I can feel its constant appearance is spiritual thought maybe it was my dad who passed on a few years ago sending me messages. mentioned it recently to a cowroker who seaid he sees 1111 so frequently he oddly brought it up to another friend who told him to google it. it is astonishing the theories on it and i will pursue further.

Anonymous said...

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3

(talk to you latter "Mirror", i hope you are still there)
SigN at Delta_X 333

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing 2.22 and 22.22 for about 18 months everywhere, my daughter told me she had started seeing no 1 sequences...we have had a really tough time and I'm starting to think these are relating to something bad...

Anonymous said...

Ivve been seeing 333 for two years now. I see at least 12 times a day and for 6 months woke up at 333 am every day. i see it on gas prices phone numbers clocks license plates anywhere a number sequence can be seen, ill see it. im starting to wonder whats really going on in my life

Anonymous said...

I used to see 11:11 everywhere before I started my new job at the Temple of Light and stepped into my power as a Healer and recognized myself as a Lightworker. Lately I have been seeing 333 everywhere and I found this site and it blew my mind and made perfect sense at the same time. I believe there is an awakening happening and that I truly was awakened during the period I was seeing 1111. Now that I know I am on the correct path and that I am supported by my guides and ascended masters, I just wonder whats next... its exciting! <3 and Light to you all!

Anonymous said...

For almost a year now everytime i look at a clock it shows 333,222,444,555,1111,1212,111 etc. Every time it occurs i get this feeling like its a sign of some sort or somethings about to happen finally today i googled it and began getting some insight on the occurence this web site and a few others have given me an idea of what it could mean....any. advice for me on how i can better see or receive theses signs or meanings of number sequences?

Unknown said...

Hi. I started noticing the 1111 only after I met this woman who is very close to me. She made me aware and then I really noticed it. In fact, my business address is 111 and everyone who comes here says there is a spiritual feeling in the space. I am feeling some kind of shift in the world. I don't have a lot of answers but seeing so many other people who see and feel the same things makes me feel I am not alone. I feel this woman who has come into my life is connected to my spirit and we are connected somehow. But I have had meetings in a building in room 111, I see 11:11 and at first it was kind of scary but now its more like an awareness...

Anonymous said...

For the past 2 weeks when I glance at the digital clock on my truck radio it is 3 identical digits (the clock works but I have yet to figure out how to set the time) 3:33 is the most common but 5:55 has appeared more twice. Almost always while I'm watching and scratching my head it changes to the next minute? Weird

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have been seeing 3's in everything I involve myself in for as long as I can remember. I wake up at 3:33am, have urges to check the time during the day and it will be 3:33pm, I stop at a red light while driving and look out my window to see house number 3,33 or 333. Born on the 3rd day of June, my date of birth breaks down to 3's. It seriously appears everywhere!! I agree with the theory of a higher being (not necessarily god or jesus or similar) watching over you as the 3's always seem to appear after making a decision as a type of confirmation that I chose the correct path. It's good to see I am not the only one affected by the 3's hahaha

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing the number 333 on clocks for at least seven years now. At first I would wake up from a deep sleep, and when I looked at the clock, it would be 3:33. This has happened many many times. Three years ago, I was in the emergency room, with an attack of Atrial Fibrillation. While they were working on me, I happened to glance up at the clock on the wall--3:33. It really scared me. I thought, "this is the time I'm going to die!". Obviously I recovered. Another trip to the hospital for the same thing this summer. They did a heart cath on me. Once again, the time 3:33! It happens when I'm driving, and glance at the clock. Or I'm doing something outside, check the time. It's always 3:33. This happens just too much to be simple coincidence. Never another number like 1:11 or 2:22 always 3:33! Strange, very strange.

Anonymous said...

hey, i have been seeing 11:11 since like forever and i just decided i will make a wish any time i see it, but recently 10:10 also, i just wonder what it all means. will appreciate any explanation.

oktobe11 said...

I have been seeing 1:11, 2:11, 3:11, 4:11, etc on all clocks for years! I was born on 3-11, all of my boyfriends have had 11 in their birthdates and none of them have worked out! My nephew was just born on 11-11-11!! I always see 1111's on my car mileages and everywhere! It has spooked me for years. I think I have the worst luck and sometimes wonder if that has something to do with it. I call it "stick time" . Everyone who knows me knows of this...Freaky!!

Precious Gold said...

OMG!!! same experience 11:11 1:11 and 3:33 brought me here. Been seeing those numbers since 2005. i always thought that everytime I saw those numbers it is more like bad omen, and something bad will happen to me. So everytime i saw those, i always pray that everything will turn out well.

Unknown said...

Hi, i've been seeing these numbers for the past year 2012. I thought it was coincidence that when I look at my car clock, home digital clock, my cellphone and the clock on my pc and anywhere there is digital clock, it will show 11:11, 12:12, 10:01, 10:10, 04:04, even the mileage counter in my car will sometime show these numbers. Sometimes only quickly that the numbers change immediately after seeing them. I know there was something changing in my life and then now it is happening. There is a big change to the way I am living my life now and I see the world differently. The numbers are still appearing and I constantly see 10:01 and 11:11 and 12:21 or 21:12 or 20:02... I am not sure if what you are saying is true but I believe there is a connection and higher powers are at work (including my mind). Only a couple of weeks ago I browsed on the internet and saw your website and others regarding this occurence. Strange yet it is true!

Unknown said...

In addition to my post earlier,by the way, the apartment that I am staying at is number 1001. Thanks for this post I feel like there is an explanation but we will never know what it all means..

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing 11:11 and 1:11 and 3:33 often...really often...for almost a year now. I have recently been feeling much more in tune to the universe and major changes are happening in my life...I also feel a strong, direct connection to Jesus and I can feel that there is a group of guardian angels around me. I've only told a tiny handful of people this, because lots of my friends would think I was nuts! I have never prayed so much in my life, and I feel that my prayers are answered almost immediately either physically, with symbols around me, or through the actions of others. I have an immense love for my creator now, and I feel stronger.
I just can't get enough of your site!! I was brought to the site randomly through searching for advice, and this article screamed my name! You are a beacon of light, thank you for shining so brightly :-D

Anonymous said...

ive been seeing for awhile...good or not..idk what to do i need help my email is straden223@yahoo.com. earlier i had a song that was 3:32 duration then i played it and it changed to 3:33 then it changed back

Isaac Vaughan said...

Yes 333 has been appearing everywhere at very random times for me for almost two years,so much so that I found this page trying to figure out if anyone else has been experencing this. I have even began keeping records of when I see this sequence.

Anonymous said...

A relative of mine frequently sees the time of 11:11 when she looks at digital clocks and this has been going on for a long time. Although I don't often see a number sequence, I have very odd things happen in sets of two. Two identical incidents will happen, one right after the other. Or I will receive two identical things, one right after the other, etc. etc. and my friends are all mystified as to why this happens to me. In addition, it is starting to happen to my friends too. It is very, very strange!

Anonymous said...

W O R M W O O D The bright comet of Revelation that poisons the Earths water and thus its inhabitants. One of the 'Seven Signs' of the Apocalypse.
W/23 + O/10 + R/18 + W/23 + O/10 + O/10 + D/4 = 111

BTW I'm a complete atheist that just likes to mess around with stuff like this...thought you may find that interesting.

Anonymous said...

I am in Austin, TX.. I have been seeing 333 for about a year now. Buses, clocks, road signs, ect..
I just decided to look this up on the internet today and it so happens it is 3:00 o'clock on 3/13/13. Is this a sign or what. I think I should buy a lotto ticket.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing 333 for about 6 months now with varied, but ever-present consistency.
Then in the last couple months, I have started to see 1111 as well. One in a picture posted briefly on facebook that was in the background and I just happened to notice. The picture was removed about 5 min after I saw it. It is these little coincidences, such as turning off my phone for the first time in a while, having trouble getting it to restart right away and then when it does load up and show the screen, the time reads 1111. These are what grab my attention. If it had powered up when I asked it to without difficulty, it would have been closer to 11am, and I would not have thought anything of it.

I thought I would do an internet search to find out what symbolism was in the numbers. I typed in 1111 and this came up, which also references the 333 specifically. I am deeply intrigued by that coincidence of both numbers showing up for someone else and am grateful for your posting this information.

I have felt a recent call to change from my current path in corporate america into something more intuitive as well as intellectual. In line with what you post, I can only describe it as what I think some religious people might label "a calling". It has an ancient feel to it. And I have been resistant to it until more recently. However this has what I can only describe as a feeling of being "spirit-led". This was in part at a time when I was doing significant internal work and even had begun to entertain the idea of communicating more intentionally with what most would likely call crazy, but 'spirit guides' ('guardian angels' to some, I suppose), if they exist. It was simply my attempting to engage in more open, mindful, connection with the greater connection between us all. I find I believe less and less in "coincidences" being of minor importance or of just random connection.

Overall, I find it fascinating that now, after having had experiences that I was not altogether clear about, I read on your gathering of information data that post-experience reflects what has occurred for me. Somehow it is both discomforting and comforting at the same time to read it. Thank you for the post. Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing the 11's for about 2.5 years. Haven't read anything about it until now. I'm not religious, but I am spiritual now, unitarian. In the last few years I have; lost my career to overseas operations, found out a name and diagnosis for all my pain, also diagnosed with "borderline personalty disorder," and depression currently disabled, left my home town for the first time to be with my high-school sweetheart after thirty years, fell in love like no other love, stood before the end of the rainbow, help saved his life after having sequential heart attacks, he was dead for thirty-some minutes, he had a 3 percent chance of coming through with out significant brain damage, he made medical history at UAB.

My birthday and name equates to 11, I am gifted with creativity and empathy, I might be smart, my son has 171 IQ.

I do feel a calling of the collective conscious. Suspicions and predictions become truth and true. I can hear people think at times. I can feel people suffer and pain. I can also feel elation from people. When someone is angry it sends a strong percussion ripple effect through my body. Being around many people can be exhausting. I can easily influence people. Charismatic.

I know the answers that allude mankind. Why we are here, why I'm here, the role of god and religion. Life and death is defined. Heaven and hell is defined.

When I see the 11s I am urged to think positively about the big picture and mankind's world how we should change and avoid the repetitive mistakes. There is clarity outside the cities.

My message to all is, life is what you make it. This is heaven and/or hell. You choose. You will always have a choice and consequences.

Anonymous said...

My birthday is 11/11 and I have been seeing this number and the number 7/11 for the last three years ,What is strange about this is that no matter where I was or where I happened to be I would glance at a clock on the wall in my car at a friends ect. And those numbers would be there. Even if the clock was not set at the right time I just would happen to glance at them and those were the numbers that would be there. I dont know what significance this has in my life but I am glad I am not the only one who lives with this.

Anonymous said...

Before going to bed last night, I asked for knowledge, or something that guides me into the right direction. I needed a sign, because right now my life is a bit confusing, and I'm at a standstill.

I awoke at 3:33 and when I saw this number, it felt like it was something significant. I normally don't feel that way about numbers.

I was also given a very vivid dream, but I'm not sure what to make of it. It was someone who wronged me who was trying to apologize, but I did not accept it.

And lastly, when I finally awoke, I realized that I have a problem with feeding off of peoples' misery and negative emotions.

Maybe this is the sign. I need to send love and light, and do away with my former dark ways.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing 111,1111, and 333 for about six years now. Everyday I see 333

Anonymous said...

that was an amazing article thank you so much ! well,I kind of see 11:11 often but in the last 2 weeks I kept seeing it in the morning and in the evening also I see 11:10 and 3:33 and 5:55 ! :D I'm so happy and awake now !

Anonymous said...

My entire life! For as long as I've known numbers. 333 mostly but 111 & 1111 are also very frequent. Not a day goes by that I don't. I even got married on 3-3-13 (3/3/1x3=3) because of this.

Anonymous said...

Yay i thought was the only one. I see 11:11 alot and have done since i was a teenager, then i wont for awhile, other times ill see 3:33 alot. I havent seen these numbers for about 3 months now but 3 months ago when i was seeing them often i was going through alot of change and discovery in myself and in my relationship with my husband. Im so glad i finally decided to research this. It has given me alot of comfort. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Wow it nice to I'm not alone. It wasn't until I turn 30 I started to notice 3's all around me. I have always thought about the three 1's in my date of birth but after having my third son at 30 I noticed more the threes in my life.
The day I was born three cycles of life began/ended. I was born, my great uncle died and my uncle married, a birth death and a marriage.
I had my third and youngest son when I was 30, he was born with what I can only describe as a birth mark (which disappeared),in the shape of a cross in the middle of his forehead and he was born at 3.33am on the 13/10.
I'm not sure what this all means, but i do feel its all good.

yvette said...

this is so crazy i have been seeing the number 333 for about 4 years now at work on the clock everytime i look up at it every where i thought i was goin crazy till i finally decided to look it up here on the internet now it makes more sense .......

Anonymous said...

I have been experiencing it for the past year...matter of fact it happened again today. 333. @ yvette- the same thing has been happening to me. Either i look at the clock on my commputer or my cell and it's 3:33PM!!!!

Kirsten said...

Thank you for this very informative article. My family and I believe strongly in the energy of the universe and spirituality. in the past months Ive been seeing number patters, very strange but im sure there is meaning to it its just finding out what it is, this article enlighten my search. I see 11:11, 3:33, 2:22, 4:44 same numbers all the time when I glance the clock or in computers or in calculations.

My Husband also have the same experience.

Unknown said...

I have been experiencing some extreme religious phenomenon over the past year and have been researching the 333 and 111. I was not initially concerned seeing that most agree it is call the Jesus connection and is said to be a sign from
God that you're doing well. With further research I have found the demon Choronzon and am wondering if I should be concerned? If a company is secretly using the symbol and I'm the only one that is aware of it, what should I do?

Anonymous said...

Wow - I have seen this before but I have been asking for angelic help recently and that night when I woke to see that time I'd figured out some life solutions -so it would be great to think that I'm being given divine guidance!

Anonymous said...

This like so many other websites does not answer my questions. I have been seeing repeating numbers for years and then they evolved into 707,808,909, etc. along with 111,222, etc. depending on what was happening that was good or bad. Still no answers!

Anonymous said...

I was born on July 14 1991 at 11:11am,This part can make a person think ha... "This twenty year period (starting on January 11, 1991)"Funny how things can coincide.

Anonymous said...

This is the exact thing happening to me too! 1:11 followed by 11:11 and now 3:33. I am waking up every night at all of the above times but lately 3:33 seems to be bolting me awake. It's gotten me startled. It started after I saw 2 owls, which appeared within days of me thinking I haven't ever seen an owl, then I started seeing the 1's all over the place then finally the 3:33. I'm not sure what it means but I am feeling a sort of presence or fear of the unknown just because it is happening daily and I feel like there is a message that I am missing. I am desperate to sort out if it's good or bad because I am about to embark on a very big change in my life, going back to school and moving with my child to do so. I don't know what to think but it's gotten my attention for sure!

Anonymous said...

I see 13 or 134 0r 5 and any appointments I have are always for 11 45am I keep waking and looking at the clock at 3 40 am or it is 2 15pm or 3 15pm if no daylight saving then I go and hold a toy truck when this happens even take it to the shops with me and I never let it go for 3 hours whenever this happens it is always 3 hours before I can let it go.the number 33 comes up all the time and I lived in 3/33 for 4 years then moved to 13 which is my birthdate and have now moved to 20

Anonymous said...

ok well let me just say the number 111 has been following me for years when my brother passed away I woke every night at 1:11, many times sometimes daily ,I would look at the clock ,1:11, my husband also ran into this number alo , our post office box was 111 and my brother's birthday was 11-1 nov 1st, I just thought this was coincidental and it was only my husband and I , so im relived to see others are also experiencing this, lots a times totals would be 111,it has followed us for years,thanks for the input

Sam Singh said...

I believe on Numerology when some incidents happened in my life with some special numbers as 5 and 4. All bad things happen in my life mostly on 5 or 4 number. With those, I came to know more about Numerology Predictions. Some numbers are very special on everyone's life.

Anonymous said...

I've been waking at 3:33 for a while now. Last night I awoke from a strange dream with a weird vibrating feeling. I looked at the clock. 3:33. When I got to work, the trip odometer read 33.3. My overall odometer read 53338.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 everywhere. I dont know what these numbers means.

Anonymous said...

I have been followed by 11 all my life in fact my birthday is 11/11 I also catch it on the clock daily. I just recently started seeing 3:33 all the time and wishing I knew why.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing this post, thank you! Because I have been seeing 11:11 for the past couple years and recently 333 over and over. I know through past experience that repeating no's mean something special, however, my intuition was confirmed regarding 333 and the ascended masters. Great confirmation, thank you!!!

Unknown said...

I have had epic 1111 111 experiences, I have had several almost consecutive phone calls to building 111 that ended at 1:11 minutes, I have also verbally predicted the future throughout my life and after my near death experience saw it sometimes very accurately in dreams.

Anonymous said...

My daughter was born 30.03.2010, 30=3, 0+3=3, 2+0+1+0=3, does this apply to her. I notice she is adored by whoever mets her and has a beautiful nature.can someone let me know does she have special numbers.ty

Barbara Mayes said...

I've noticed this for years now. Started in the mid 1980's. At first it scared me. Now, it's like an old friend. 111, 1212, 444, 888, 1112, and most recently, 333.

Anonymous said...

I have been awaken at 330 am for the past two nights. But I can't breath I'm having a panic attack. That I wake up my heart is racing and I can't breath that I have to take a xanax to get back to sleep. What does this mean?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been seeing 1111 and 333 since last year. Had no idea what they meant. But thanks to your post, now I know. But I don't understand how it is going to work out. As in, how do I know that things are changing? As of now, I don't see any.

Anonymous said...

I have just started experiencing triple and quadruple numbers every where. I thought to myself what is this & why does this keep happening. I never knew there was absolutely so much information on it, and what it actually does mean. As a child I always felt a connection to something higher, but I never said anything and pretty much ignored it. As I got older again felt a higher connection & this time I knew it was God/Jesus. I became so spiritually attached especially, because I grew up with a dad who was ill for many years. I loved my dad so much he was amazing and in my eyes walked on water. God/Jesus were there to guide me through my dads life, and it was 5 years ago that my wonderful dad passed on. It was the guidance from God/Jesus that enabled me to let my dad physically go, however, I truly feel he is still with me especially when it matters most many times in my dreams warning me of something. Currently, I have so much anxiety with my spouses family, spouse not finding steady employment, and with everyone around just looking miserable. Everywhere I turn everyone looks sad! I am just saying I need to believe and hope for not just myself for all especially my two beautiful children that I adore. Perhaps seeing these numbers is giving me hope/faith & I feel good. I sense a confirmation alongside a connection to a higher being and believing and hoping is all I have which is not a bad thing. Blessings:)

Anonymous said...

Ive been seeing the number 333 for years and was waking up every knight at exactly 3:33am every knight, now there are two versions of this meaning, some people say it is a mind,body and soul connection and that the angels are connected with your being, the other are cases of alien abduction. the on I beleive is the true explanation is that that was the hour that Jesus died on the cross.

Unknown said...

My son is a true miracle being born at 22 weeks gestation. I've always felt there was a deeper meaning in his time of birth. 3:33am on 10.01.10

Unknown said...

My son is a true miracle being born at 22 weeks gestation. I've always felt there was a deeper meaning in his time of birth. 3:33am on 10.01.10

Anonymous said...

i have been seeing 333,111,555,222,1111 constantly 2013 but 2014 this happens often. Things fell apart my side, life seems just wasted but hope builds up........probably this seeing of numbers only happens to few people, i have discussed it with few professors but they cant give me answers and some laugh it of. One professor said probably you should add up numbers and play lottery, never did though. I had been search about this but couldn't get answers, today accidentally i come on this page and see you alls experience written.

what if this number is connecting as all who sees this constantly, probably its networking of these people who have something to offer to world, together working out something, abetter cause. What we all dream of , exchange of ideas and join hands to one cause..........what the cause is, yet to be known......

Anonymous said...

Every time i look at my two phones to check for the time, I have seen these numbers 11:01, 11:11 11:10 repeatedly. At first, I ignored it because i thought it was only a coincidence , as time goes by I have noticed that this aren't coincidence anymore because almost everyday i have seen this numbers. :) I admit that for the past few months I was in a state of sins, and have turned my back to God. I am very devoted Catholic and very religious woman, and ever since when I was a child up until now I dreamed of something extraordinary. I have seen Jesus, Mother Mary in my dreams , even angels and saints too. I always convince myself that I am just a normal human being but the more I want to escape from the reality, it always haunts me every now and then. It took me years to accept myself, and despite of sorrows , trials and obstacles I have gone through, I surmount it all with the help of GOD. Never underestimate the power of prayers because no matter how small or big, Jesus listens to your concerns and favors and He will definitely give it to you in the right time as he said. "ask and you shall receive , seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened unto you". God's promises never faltered, always believe in HIM and have faith.

Believe it or not, when I asked God a favor, he gives it right away. Sometimes it pops out in my mind that I must be a good woman because he always grant my request. That's one of the reasons why i feel guilty every time I commit a sin because I can no longer feel His presence whenever I got tempted. Earlier this year, I turned to be an arrogant and irresponsible woman, I forgot how to follow the footsteps of Christ and it came to a point that my faith was shaken , I only prayed when I want something and I became a sinner. Out of the blue, I saw God in my dreams and He turned his back on me, that gave me a wake up call to repent. And i have noticed that I have seen the three significant numbers all the time and I told my parents about it, my mother told me that "it symbolized the holy trinity", 111 (which means three numbers but only refers t o one) , ( three different persona, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit but that only equivalent to one GOD). I strongly believe that I have a mission in this world and that I still need to figure out.. :) email me itz_meh_03@yahoo.com

TheBalitzBroTwins said...

I am born January 11th 1987 (111) + (1+9+8+7) = 3 + 7 = 1+0 = 1. I am also a twin, does it have any special meaning?

Anonymous said...

I started seeing the 3's about six months ago. I am a solid 1111 's person and 55555's person for many years. But these 3's kinda took over lately and I don't know what they are saying. Even my car tuned over to 333,333.3 recently. Can you read anything into that?

Unknown said...

I was born at 1:11 on the afternoon of 12/17/1970..No wonder why I am so awesome..Haha..B

Anonymous said...

Seeing 33, and 333 since 2008. Recently started seeing 111 and 44 or 444 also

Anonymous said...

at first i thought they were just coincidences but recently i saw them again 555 and another one last Sunday but unfortunately I cant remember been seeing them for the last months such as 11:11, 2:22 and 3:33... please help me understand more

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am so glad I found this site! I have been seeing 111 and 1111 for about 7 or 8 years now. Recently I have also been seeing 333, 444 and 555. The number 1 sequences I have everyday, all day long.I see 111 on clocks, computers, microwaves, in my car, when I am checking out a customer at work the total will be 111.01 or 110.11. I have found a dime and a penny on the ground I can't tell you how many times. I just want people to know that they are not alone out there and I do believe it is very spiritual what is happening. I wish all that are having these number sequences could get together and see what happens! Hmmmmmmmmmm? :) AW

Anonymous said...

Hello I have been sEeing 1:11 and 11:11 for about five years now would you no if there's a certain meaning?

Anonymous said...

It has been about 4 years since I started seeing 333 everywhere.

Anonymous said...


After reading a bunch of your posts, my phone keeps making beeps so finally check and it was 11:36...well i take that as an affirmation that somehow i am connected to you and the invisible...i had always felt a strong gut about it. Since my 20's and after reading some interesting books like The Alchemist, The Celestine Prophecy and a bunch of Carlos Castaneda to mention the most significant ones, i have been listening and paying attention to the Universe and the signs that seem to came in my way when I have exisrtential type of questions ...I strongly believe in inter connectivity and signs...as i grow older i see them more and more frequently and yes this numbers present to me almost in a daily basis, especially 333 and number 3, 33 and other patterns...i had seen 111, 222, 444, 555 and other patterns like 456 often as well but not as much as the #3. I thought i programmed my rain unconsciously but i have this real need to search further and found this blog here...who know we might of been abducted by aliens is one of my theories...i believe in them but i don't get obseesed by any of this really, try to just go withmy life but i don't ignore any of it and i try to keep and open mind to the possibilities...The persistency of this patterns in my daily life (clocks, t-shirts, bills, license plates, etc) become more obvious and persistent since i got back from Burning Man in 2011, my car had to be re-parked to a different carport in my building because of an estructural issue, guess which parking spot number my car was assigned? ...33 of course...after that it has been crazy non stop, now is is 11:41am

<3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing 11:11 once or twice a day for just over a year now. In the past year I have made a commitment to complete an overseas move that has been a realistic dream of mine since I first went to school in London 20 years ago. I now have secured a second interview for my perfect job. It's a video conference from my city to their London office. My interview information... the address is 1111, it's on floor 11 at 11am. The universe is affirming that I am making the right decision to sell my house & all of my belongs to make the move 4500 miles away to the place that has always been home in my heart. I found all of this out at 6am this morning and have not been able to stop smiling since.

Nick said...

I see 11:11 whenever I find that I'm in sync. 444 when my angels are near. And 333 when my spirit guides really want my attention.

April Gutierrez said...

I've been experiencing 11:11, 1:11, 3:33, 4:44, and 5:55 Every day for the past few months. It started with 11:11 and 1:11 but then randomly the others would filter in. My husband says I am looking for the numbers on the clock but I don't just see them on the clock and I am not purposefully looking for them. I see them in my car as to how many miles I have left to fill the gas or how many miles I have gone. I see them in emails sent to me and time-stamps from other people. I'm not sure what it means but it's excessive.

Unknown said...

I experience different kind of numbers, and to be honest with y'all since i was 7yrs old but off course at that age i had no clue what they meant. But there was that one day, i was 7 yrs old sitting on the couche watching t.v. actually i was watching mighty mouse the cartoon. Mighty mouse would always starts at 3 and finishes at 3:30 well for some reason mighty mouse end up finishing at 3:33 so when i noticed the cartoon was ending i turn and look at the clock and it was 3:33 so then i turn and look at the t.v. and suddenly as i was watching the t.v. the t.v. slowly was moving back against the wall the t.v. was so far away as im staring at tv i remember seeing a long hall way and the tv was the size of a wallet. I was told what i had experience that one day, i had travel along with angels the only problem i was to young to handle and to understand. Ever since till now i see visions and symbols of numbers.

Unknown said...

I experience different kind of numbers, and to be honest with y'all since i was 7yrs old but off course at that age i had no clue what they meant. But there was that one day, i was 7 yrs old sitting on the couche watching t.v. actually i was watching mighty mouse the cartoon. Mighty mouse would always starts at 3 and finishes at 3:30 well for some reason mighty mouse end up finishing at 3:33 so when i noticed the cartoon was ending i turn and look at the clock and it was 3:33 so then i turn and look at the t.v. and suddenly as i was watching the t.v. the t.v. slowly was moving back against the wall the t.v. was so far away as im staring at tv i remember seeing a long hall way and the tv was the size of a wallet. I was told what i had experience that one day, i had travel along with angels the only problem i was to young to handle and to understand. Ever since till now i see visions and symbols of numbers.

Anonymous said...

I noticed 333 about 30 years ago. I looked at the clock at 3:33 . I didnt think much of that. Then I started looking at the counter on a machine at 333 . Next thing I knew it was everywhere. I even dated a girl whos social security numbers in the middle were 333. I noticed a lottttttttt of flyers had 333 in sale adds. According to one theory I have found its a balance thing like the sides on a triangle. That explains the Pyramids. Three, three sided triangles.http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Keep-Seeing-The-Number-333/1963883

Anonymous said...

My alarm clock flashed several times in different speeds, like it wanted to make sure i seen it. it was at 447am what could this mean?
Ive always seen the number 614, my bday is 6/14/90 and i weighed 6pd 14oz when i was born. ive always been drawn to the numbers 3 & 13 idk if this means anything but its freaking me out.

Unknown said...

I am noticing that it is not a coincidence.. I have been seeing it every day, 1:11, or 2:22, or 3:33, or even 5:55 sequences, since Christmas, of 2015. I am beginning to get a little worried.....

Unknown said...

A few weeks back I was having trouble sleeping.I was continuously being jolted awake by what felt like an electric current. I woke up and looked at the clock on the stove, the time was 333. 2 minutes later I looked at the clock on my phone 333 again. I continued jolting awake all night. This is unusual for me as I don't typically have problems sleeping. My wife also noticed that I was having trouble sleeping. The next day when I woke up there was an ambulance outside. To make a long story shorter the medical examiners showed up and there was a body extracted from our building that afternoon. I've never been a religious person but I've also maintained an open mind. I just cannot ignore the energy I felt that night and looking at the clock at 333 in retrospect knowing that someone had died or was about to die in close proximity to me.

Unknown said...

I have seen nothing but 333 in both my pregnancies. And both pregnancies so far have been very eye opening. That's fact of being a single mother with two kids terrifies me but for some reason, it may sound strange, but every time I see this sequence I have no worries.

Ami said...

I keep seeing 1010,1111,1212,222,333,444,555,777 sometimes in that order and I cant understand why all of them and not just a couple

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