Every living thing on this earth has to evolve in order to survive. Those very same primal survival concepts apply to many things in life. Take the business world, for example. Businesses that are not flexible and do not evolve and grow eventually get left behind and dissipate. The same thing happens to the amphibian that needs oxygen, but doesn't evolve some way to receive it from it's watery surroundings or develop legs to hoist itself out of the water and onto land to breath it.
Happiness. What is it truly? For the human race, it seems to be something rather unattainable. And many times, when you find you've received a moment of happiness from the universe, you soon come to realize that the moment passes all too quickly. Happiness does not come in the form of "things" and "stuff." Materialistic viewpoints and this material way of life we've developed for ourselves has left us all feeling rather empty, has it not?
When you indulge yourself, your ego and your materialistic side - happiness comes quickly, but dissipates equally as fast. When you help and assist others, financially or otherwise, that feeling lasts much longer and is an overall lingering feeling of wellness in which it's effects are felt for much longer than the satisfaction received from simply indulging your ego and receiving instant gratification.
The Human Race is Not Evolving as Quickly as Other Species
In fact, humanity seems to be stuck in an evolutionary loop hole, if you will. You see, our ancestors passed many things along to us. Some of these things we embrace and some of these things we reject. But one of those things is beyond our control and that is their DNA, their blueprint mapping. Our interior programming, if you will.The human brain still works in relatively the same exact way it did thousands and thousands of years ago. The same thought patterns, the same knee-jerk reactions and impulses and the same driving force - survival. Our ancestors experienced an existence that was short lived, highly competitive, deadly and barbaric. You had to be competitive for food, mating purposes, shelter and the care of your offspring. It also meant that you had to be fierce. You had to fight to protect your family, shelter, mate, offspring and food resources.
Bottom line it required a mentality of "kill or be killed." It's a very primal mentality set in place to ensure continuation of the species. Having said that and looking at the differences between early man's way of life and today's civilized, cultured way of life . . . you'd think by now we would have outgrown some of that competitive mentality. You'd think the human race, as a species, would've evolved much more than it currently has throughout the ages. When you dissect this topic, you soon realize it has much to do with our current levels of happiness. You see, on a primal level we're not necessarily programmed for built-in happiness.
We're Programmed to be Fierce Warriors and Highly Competitive in Order to Survive
If early man sat back on his laurels and said, "You know, I'm really happy. I have enough food resources and a strong shelter. I have a mate to care for and rear my offspring. Life is good so I'm going to retire and sit back and enjoy it." The very next day this man would've been dead. Another in the tribe or a neighboring tribe would've sensed his contentedness and sniffed it out like weakness. Another tribe member would've said to himself, "There's an opportunity here to ensure MY survival. I need a mate. His house is stronger than mine and his fields are richer than mine. He's done fighting so I'm going to finish him off and better own my lifestyle."And so the story goes. We are behaving as if we are constantly under attack and in survival mode - when the modern world no longer dictates that we need to be so very competitive to such an extent. The constant destruction to ensure survival is no longer necessary and seems rather out of place in modern times. But yet we create that environment and atmosphere for ourselves and many times, in our own heads. Sounds much like the modern day corporate world, does it not? You want to reach the top and be the guy in the big office on the 31st floor? No problem. You just have to run over and beat out all the people on those 31 floors to get there. (I'm exaggerating my point, of course, but you get it.)
It's Quite Clear That the Human Race Needs to Evolve ~ and Fast
If we don't, we're going to destroy ourselves and each other. We will simply succumb to being another great civilization in history that proved to be the destruction of itself. If we do not evolve from primal mentality and develop new thought patterns and ways of living in harmony with one another and our surroundings as a society, we will simply continue to compete, continue to crush our opponents and continue the demise of our species.Let's face it, we don't have much use for those primal survival skills to that severe of an extent anymore. We don't need to stockpile and hoard resources, we don't need to dominate and intimidate others as much and it isn't necessary to try and keep others from advancing. There's plenty to go around.
What we need to do is stop obsessing over material gains.
You can't take all your "stuff" with you when your dead and no one will be standing at your funeral saying, "Boy, he was a great guy. He had a lot of stuff." We need to accept that we can now stop with the survival mentality and relax a bit in our surroundings. Enjoy your resources and shelter. No one's coming to take them from you. Those living in the next town over are not forming an invading tribe to come and pillage it from you.
If We All Live in Harmony, the Bounties of this Universe are so Plentiful ~ There's Plenty to Go Around if it's Spread Out Evenly
It's time to evolve as a society, a species and a culture to make sure that happens. Our very survival depends on it and forming new thought patterns and ways of advancing and interacting with one another will help to manifest this evolutionary leap that our species needs to make.Do your part and make a conscious effort to live in harmony - rather than survival mode.
evalution will only take place after great death of that species
Their is no need for evolution yet. Humans as a race do no need to evolve. There is no real threat to humans and until their is another civilization threating the existence of ours it'll be till then we shall evolve for the survival of the human race. But your correct about us needing to quite obsessing over material gains.
paragraph 3 " When you indulge yourself, your ego and your materialistic side - happiness comes quickly, but dissipates equally as fast. When you help and assist others, financially or otherwise, that feeling lasts much longer and is an overall lingering feeling of wellness in which it's effects are felt for much longer than the satisfaction received from simply indulging your ego and receiving instant gratification. "
Video games give you that instant gratification and I feel left empty very quickly after, while going back to my miserable day, not quite satisfied. Learning seems to work better to fill the void.
self destruction of ourselves is inevitable...it has taken the same course through out history...all we need is a nuclear fallout to decipher who gets to lead the next success of wat was left
These new 'Thought Patterns' combined with new 'Movement Patterns' is the answer if you ask me!
More and more people are waking up. We shouldn't give up hope now!
In my personal life and work i try to contribute to these processes, i'm sure i'm not the only one!
Keep on writing, great job!
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