The Mirror of Aphrodite is a term used to refer to the symbol that represents the planet Venus. It is the circle and cross symbol used in the logo of this site and it's symbolism represents the circle of spirit above the cross of matter.
Venus is the planetary ruler of the zodiac sign, Taurus, and I am a Taurus female, thus ruled by the planet Venus.
The Mirror of Aphrodite symbol is also viewed as a wand and represents an ability to cast one's designs onto the world, urging others to look at and deeply examine their own principles. That is the overall theme of the discussions that I strive to create here at The Mirror of Aphrodite.
"Casting one's designs onto the world, urging others to look at and deeply examine their own principles."
Astrology is a deep passion and topics of human evolution, spirituality, consciousness, divination, science, enlightenment and metaphysical matters are of great interest to me. Eccentricities excite and inspire me. I strive to create thought provoking discussions that may lead to "epiphanies" of sorts and my mind is open ~ wide open. I think too much and I take those thoughts and dump them here, into the cyberworld, to see what everyone thinks about the matter.
I am not a professional counselor, psychologist, psychotherapist, astrologer or otherwise. I am not formally trained and the opinions expressed on this site are my own (with exception of others comments). I simply strive to create a general atmosphere of discussion by sharing what I've learned through my own life experience, exploring the various mysteries of the universe and human behavior, and permitting others to do the same. This is not a business, it is a hobby (I have a full-time job outside of this site). The discussions and interactions that take place in this community are meant for purposes of insightful entertainment only.
It is my hope that you will find The Mirror of Aphrodite to be a place where you can find refreshment for your spirit through a created sense of wonder and the experience of self improvement.
"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed." ~ Albert Einstein
About The Goddess Aphrodite
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of spiritual love, beauty, sexuality and physical attraction. She is the wife of the ugliest of the gods, Hephaestus, and has love affairs with both gods and mortals. It is said that she was conceived after Uranus was castrated, rising from the foam that gathered. She is also referred to as the daughter of Zeus and Dione by the poet, Homer, and has also been described as the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, both whom are Titans. She is the daughter of both heaven and sea and her love affairs include Aries, the God of War, and Adonis.
The Romans referred to her as the goddess, Venus, and worshipped her the goddess of fertility. She was considered the goddess of chastity despite the fact that she had many affairs with both gods and mortals. She was worshipped as the mother of the hero Aeneas, the founder of the Roman people, and was the daughter of Jupiter. She had a marriage to Vulcan and an affair with Mars, the God of War, also known as Ares (Aries). Aphrodite and Ares bore a son, Eros, also known as "Cupid." She is the bringer of victory and good fortune; she is the protector of feminine chastity; she is a nature goddess and is associated with the arrival of Spring. She is the bringer of joy to the gods and humans alike.
Look Whose Talking
Fox News ~ Reader comments from our discussion here at the Mirror of Aphrodite about the significance of the year 2012 were featured in a FOX News article titled, "Dec. 21, 2012 - Doomsday?"
Yahoo Voices! News ~ Shannon Cotton of the Yahoo! Contributor Network linked to a feature here on the Mayan Crystal Skulls in "Doomsday 2012: All of the Ways We're Going to Die."
The Vancouver Observer ~ Apocalypse 2012: How Will The World End?
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner ~ Writer Alfred Lambremont Webre, author of the book "Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe," in a piece titled "Will There Be 'Wild Card' Extraterrestrial UFO Landings Worldwide In 2012 Or Beyond?"
TechRepublic ~ "Sanity Check: Will the Google Revolution Engulf IT Departments?"
The Thom Hartmann Program ~ Mentioned in discussion of the December 10th 2009 Daily Topics.
Democratic Underground ~ Mentioned in Discussion
Break The Matrix ~ Mentioned in discussion of "Good News, Better News, and Then This"
Above Top Secret ~ Mentioned in Discussion
Now Public ~ "Project 2012: Predictions Coming True? Nuclear War Begins Soon?"
Real UFOs ~ "The Web Bot Predictions For 2008"
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