This is an interesting read written by a community member of The Mirror of Aphrodite. Below is an excerpt from the piece:
"Everyone hears about the different prophecies on how humanity will end. From the Bible predictions of the rapture and the Antichrist, to Nostradamus's prediction of the Planet Comet, people hear theories and see evidence of our civilization coming to an end.
However, the most striking of these prophecies lies in the predictions of an ancient, but highly sophisticated Mayan calender. The deciphering and understanding of the calender is whole other story in it's own, so I'll get straight to the point. . .
The Mayan calender actually is a combination of 3 calenders. The religious calender, the solar calender, and the Long Count. For the sake of this discussion, i wont get into detail about the whole calender and just stick to the Long Count. The Long Count can record any day in history because it is supposedly the measure of days from the beginning of humanity to the end.
The number system used for the Long Count is completely different than our decimal, 10 based number system. Instead, the Mayans used 5 sets of numbers separated with a decimal. A typical Long Count number would look like this:
The first day of the Long Count is labeled which is the equivalent to August 11th, 3114 BC. on our current Gregorian Calender. The Long Count calender ends at which is the equivalent to December 21, 2012. Now this doesn't necessarily mean that humanity will come to an end on this date, but it is the date when the calender ends."
To read the article, visit "December 21, 2012: The Extinction of Humanity." It's a very detailed piece that explores the significance of the solar cycle of 2012.

Excellent post written by rlowe. I'd advise anyone interested in this topic - please give this a read for a better understanding. Well done!
i personally believe the alien,s were behind the Mayan calendar and there culture it just seems such a coincidence that the Mayan predictions speak of upgrade of the human DNA no poverty or famine and no rich peoples everyone is equal sound,s 2 perfect i personally think the ancient astronauts had a lot 2 do with ancient culture,s they leave clues 4 future man 2 try 2 work out those left in stone nothing was left unturned i suspect this happened 2 the aliens they 2 lived on a planet like earth and they 2 were transformed in 2 what we will become in 2 there image of alien origine humanity will be soaked in cosmic understanding the Mayan predictions say it all makes sense its also very true that alien photographs in crop circles have left clues one of witch was the Mayan calendar for 2012 i strongly believe aliens were behind the Mayan culture and told them how 2 map such intricate star charts thats so obvious we all have our views on december 21st 2012 and the truth is anyone can make predictions 4 2012 or beyond but weather it comes in 2 fact and actually happening is another thing surprises a in store let,s just hope it,s not the evaluation of earth and it,s inhabitants .
beware of the beare,z and the false present,s of broken promisess, much pain will still time believe there is still good out there we oppose decieve and the conduit is closeing 2012. thats what the aliens said in binary code translated by 3 scientist,s it was way 2 intricate 2 ever be a hoax that message 2 me sounds like a doom of armeggedon its all going 2 start in mexico there,s been large fleet,s of ufo,s captured on film and video recorded and why mexico you may ask your,e self? it so happends its all based on the mayan calenda and the aliens have left far more than a mayan calenda embedded in a crop circle in england from now until 2012 everyone world wide is going 2 see more ufo activity there been making signals in the skies over mexico all kinds of symbals there,s even footage of a alien craft landing just out side of mexico at some school yard ive seen this video and a whole lot more of them all so true there,s also footage of the alien beings have been seen walking around and appearing around housess in there back yards the evidence is so over welming i don,t know why anyone in the usa haven,t botherd 2 take notice or world wide . somthing is going 2 happend and on 2012 god help us all
Well, I don't think we need the mayan calender, the web bot project or even be a christian to realise that we are now in the end of days... Global warming, global food crisis, fuel crisis. These are real problems that will create misery and unrest in the world.
The extinction of the human race in 2012? It's possible. In any case, the December 21, 2012 end-date should be of serious concern for all mankind residing on our fragile blue planet. Although in all fairness, research does suggest that we may be lost as to the EXACT Mayan Calendar end-date. However, make no mistake, the calendar will come to an end VERY soon. If you really hunger to learn the real account behind December 2012, I propose that you investigate online or pick up some literature on the Maya and their predictions. Doomsday 2012 is much more than just a blockbuster movie. If you do research into this strange date, there is some verifiable scientific evidence behind it. In actuality, there is an excess of “coincidences” that come to pass in 2012. There is the sudden end of both the Mayan AND Aztec mesoamerican calendars, an ultra rare galactic configuration and various other extraordinary astronomical maneuvers happening in 2012. Do the work and think for yourself rather than dismiss everything away based on frightful feelings or just plain ignorance regarding the Mayan calendar.
You know what! I don't believe in this. The french man will say, "C'est du n'importe qoui". I believe in the Bible. No one knows the day nor the hour... the mayan calender is not mentioned in the Bible - the Word of God. The word 'God' in my dialect is translated "Builder". God is the builder or maker of the world so he is in control. Stop using human wisdom and understanding to phatom the things of God. Be blessed.
wow! my thoughts EXACTLY!! "..No one knows the day nor the hour..." Bible prophecy is the ONLY unblemished prophecy there has EVER BEEN. period. everything ever said to happen in the bible HAS. and will. amen.
A whole bunch of rubbish. No one knows except Almighty Allah when the world ends. These chaps are clever. Some of them say world will end, some say it may not end but something will happen! Everyday in this Universe and Earth things are happening. Even if a wind blows on Dec 12, 2012 they will say "we told you". First it was year 2000 and now 2012! what next? will all these idiots apologized to humanity for all this rubbish on 23 Ddec 2012?
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